Chapter Thrity-One- Oh No!

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**4 years from now**

Wow I can't believe it, its been 4 years and me and Tyde have been together for 5 years now, I actually don't know how we both did it but it's been the best 5 years of my life. I'm 18 now, I'm nearly at 1 million subscribers on youtube and so is Tyde and I've also moved into a beach house with Isla, her boyfriend comes and visits most of the time its like he practially lives here now, I really still don't know how she survived a long distance relationship but they're making plans for Brandon to move to Perth. I just woke up and was thinking about how much has changed and just about life really. It's become a daily thing now whenever I wake up, I just lie still and then start to think about everything and anything.

"Come on Ally, hurry up and get your butt out of bed" I heard Isla yell from my door and then she went downstairs to make breakfast probably. I rolled out of bed, I'm really not a morning person, I grabbed Tydes jersey that he gave me when we were at the playlist live party, yes I still have it after all these years, its one my favourite jersey and then I dragged myself downstairs. I could hear sizzles coming from the kitchen and the smell of bacon.

"Mmmm smells nice" I said licking my lips and going to sit a the breakfast bar we had in the kitchen. Isla was making bacon and eggs, she plated up for the both of us and saved a plate for Brandon when he wakes up. I smiled when I looked at the bacon it reminded me of Tyde because he can't eat bacon.

"So are we going to do anything today?" I asked, Isla nodded and smiled.

"We are going to go shopping" she answered

"Brandon wants to take me out on a date tonight, so I need to find something cute to wear and I want you to help me and you shoukd buy yourself something nice too, you never do treat yourself and you deserve it" Isla carried-on.

"Yeah maybe I will" I smiled and got up to go get ready. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I decided to wear my high-waisted shorts with little rips in them, a white foral crop top with Tyde jersey over top, I also wore the necklace Tyde gave me which I wear everyday and I have been for the past 5 years. While waiting for my hair to dry I did my make-up. I did a natural look with winged eyeliner and mascara, to complete my look I thought I would wear red lipstick and I just kept my hair natural. I grabbed my purse and checked everything was in it and that I had money, once I knew I had everything I grabbed my phone and then went downstairs, to wait for Isla she takes forever because of her hair. (if you want to get a picture of what Isla looks like then sort of picture her as Mahogany LOX). After about 10 minutes Isla came downstairs looking like a model as always.

"You ready to go?" Isla asked

"I've been ready for 15 minutes" I replied

"Stop whining and lets go" Isla said and grabbed my hand, she was driving so I got into the passenger seat of the car and plugged in my phone so we could listen to some music and I put it on shuffle.


"I wanna get starbucks" I almost yelled

"And the white girl speaks" Isla teased and then we walked into starbucks. I ordred my usual a chocolate frappucino with cream, I got excited and squealed the inner white girl in me couldn't contain herself and let lose and plus I haven't had starbucks in a long time so I was excited. We got our drinks from the girl and went to look at some shops. Isla loves shopping so its not hard for her to find something she likes, I love shopping to but theres usualy nothing that I like but if somethimg catches my eye, I'll see how it looks and most likely buy it.

"Um excuse me" I heard a girl say, I turned around and sae her looking at me, she looked around 14 or 15.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked

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