Chapter Thirteen- School Holidays.

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~School has been coming to an end~      

ttuuI woke up with a smile on my face, today is the last day of school and then the holidays. I think I might start online school it depends on mum and Steven. Ever since I moved here Steven has become like my second dad, well really a real dad. Oh and I haven't heard from my dad ever since the last time I checked. Once I finished getting ready there was a knock at my door. That must be Tyde. I opened the door to see Troye. 

"Troye?" I answered. 

"Uh... Ally" Troye stuttered. 

"Whats wrong!?" I asked, "You seem uneasy" 

"Well its Tyde he uh" Troye answered. My body tensed and my heart started to beat fast, if Troye seemed uneasy something bad must've happened. 

"He's in hospital..." Troye continued. 

"What happened" I almost yelled

"On his way to pick you up to go to school , when he went to cross the roada car came out of no where and ran him over" Troye said.  I couldn't manage to say anything, I just tried to hold my tears in. 

"When do I get to see him" I croaked.

"Afterschool, my mum said you can visit straigh afterschool" Troye replied. 

"Okay, thank you" I said hugging him. I got my school bag and freshened my mind before heading out the door.


School was a bore without Tyde, I just couldn't focus on my work, Tyde just kept on floating in my mind like a bubble, I can't believe this has happened to him. I am now on my way to the hospital hoping that Tyde is at his best he can be after getting hit by a car. I got to the front desk.

"Hi do you know the room of Tyde-Levi Mellet?" I asked the lady sitting behind the desk, she looked up from her computer and said "Room 71, floor 34" then went back to her computer. 

"Okay, thank you" I replied and made my way to the elevator and clicked the button that says 34. I walked down the corridor counting the numbers 68, 69, 70, 71. I stood in the hallway looking at the door, thinking what could be on the other side. I knocked hoping for the best. 

"Come in" I heard Laurelle say. I took a deep breathe and walked in, and saw Tyde with his leg in one of those things that hang from the celling and a bandage around his stomach and back area, he didn't look too bad, better than I had expeced. 

"Hi, hows he?" I asked Laurelle, while pulling up a chair beside his hospital bed. 

"Oh hi darling, hes doing good just sleeping" Laurelle replied. At that moment Tydes eyes flickered and he saw me. 

"Ally!" he excailmed. 

"Hey, how are you?" I replied while going over to hug him.

"Ooh" he said in pain. 

"Oh sorry" I said while kissing him. "Whats sore?" I asked concerned. 

Tydes POV-     


I was on my way to pick up Ally on the way to school, like I did everyday. I checked twice before I crossed the road, I started  to walk into the road, then out fo no where a car came racing down the street, before I could do anything the car slammed its front into me, I heard a crack and clutched my rib and flet the excruciating pain in my leg and yelped in pain, I looked at my hand that covered my rib and saw that it was red with blood, the last I heard was sirens and then I blacked out. 

*end of flasback*    

"Come in" I heard my mum say and the door open as I slowly woke up. 

"Hi, how is he" I heard someone say. Ally. I could reconigse her vioce anywhere. 

"Oh hi darling, hes doing good, just sleeping" my mum replied. After that I poened my eyes and saw the beautifl girl I fell in love with from the start. 

"Ally!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, how are you" she replied while coming over to hug me.

"Ooh" I said in pain.

"Oh sorry" ally said while kissing me.

"whats sore? she asked, you could see the concerned look on her face.

"Not much, just my ribs and leg luckily, the doctor said it could be much worse" I replied

"Well thats good then" Ally said while taking her seat. 

"So if you don't mind me asking what happpened?" Ally asked. 

"No not at all" I replied. Ally nodded as for me to carry on, "Well I was on my way to pick you up and go to school, I looked both ways before crossing the road, as I was crossing a car came out of no where and hit me, I heard a crack and my hand was covered in blood, the doctor said that it could've been worse and that I'm very lucky, which I'm grateful for" 

"Ooh, how long for it to heal" 

"Well I should get a cast around my leg tomorrow and then get my medicence for my ribs the day after and then I can leave, it'll take up to 6 weeks for my ribs to heal" 

"So no school for 6 weeks?"


"Schools going to be borning without you though, I'll visit everyday afterschool don't worry"

"I won't" 

"Sorry Tyde my mum just text me, I got to go" Ally said while saying goodbye to my mum and kissing me goodbye. 

"I'll come afterschool to visit, bye" Ally said before blowing me a kiss, I pretended to catch it and then she headed out the door. 

"You guys are so cute" my mum said. I just laughed, maybe we are. 

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