Chapter Nineteen- Playlist Live Day 4.

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"Goood Morning everyone" I said into the camera. "I am going to try edtra hard to vlog today as much as I can" I carried on. "Anyways today me and Tyde are going to meet ups, watching panels and taking the fan experince I guess you could call it that but we might be backstage a few times" I said. I turned my camera around to show Tyde still sleeping, I jumped on the bed and started yelling.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" at the top of my lungs. Tyde just groaned and threw a pillow at my face.

"I made breakfast" I said, that woke him up. Moments later Tyde got up and was eating his eggs on toast I made for him, I had already eaten and went to get ready. I chose to wear a white crop top with a high-waisted pink skater skirt and a light black cardigain with flowers all around it and I just paired it with my white converse and for my make-up I decided to change it up a bit and put brown eyeshadow on with a hint of pink and white in it, winged my eyeliner and put mascara on plus I curled my eyelashes to make them long. (if you didn't understand the make up, just trust me it looked good) and then I waited for Tyde.

"So at the moment I'm just waiting for Tyde to get ready but this is what I'm wearing *shows what I'm wearing in the mirrior* and I decided to change my make up" I said to the camera while showing my make up. "What do you guys think? Please leave comments below on what you think" I carried on.

"You ready?" Tyde asked while coming out the bathroom.

"Well here he is now" I said to the camera and nodded to Tyde. "So today is going to be a busy fun filled day, first I think we're going to the meet ups that are on today and then some panels and then some shows and interviews I don't know the name for those but we are going to get a fan experince and I think it'll be fun, we might also be backstage a bit" I said into the camera while walking down the corridor of the hotel, to the first meet up. Tyde won't tell me who it is he said its a surprise and we're also going early so we can get in earlier, the security guard knew who er were so he let us in. Tyde took my vlog camera and started talking, I just zoned out a bit.

"So me and Ally got let in early adn we are just waiting for Zoe, Ally doesn't know that she's going to meet her, Zoe is her idol so I'm excited to see her reaction." All I heard was 'excited to see her reaction.' Just as I was thinking about who it could be Zoella walked through the door.

"OH MY GOSH! NO CRAP! ZOELLA!" I screamed. Zoe is like my idol, I was trying hard to not cry.

"Hii" ZOe said. "You must be the speacial fan I was meeting earlier" Zoe carried on.

"I can't believe I'm meeting you" I said tears rolling down my eyes, "Sorry these are tears of happiness" I said explaining my tears.

"Aw thats alright, whats your name?" Zoe asked.

"Ally" I replied.

"Ally, thats a nice name"

"Thanks, that means alot of coming from you, I just love you so much your like my idol"

"Aw I love you too"

(I didn't know what to write about their conversation)

Me and Zoe exchanged numbers and thanks to Tyde I get to watch what happened because Tyde vlogged it.

"So I just got the greatest fan experince ever I met my idol Zoe Sugg also known as Zoella and it was the greatest most fantastic moment of my life" I said into the camera.

"Now were on your way to see the youtube boyband and O2L, am I right Tyde?" I said into the camera while asking Tyde at the end.

"Yes your certainly right" Tyde replied. There were a few fans already outside like 10 or 20 some recongised us and asked for photos. Since me and Tyde get to go in early I thought we would bring these fans inisde with us.

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