Chapter Ten- School.

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~Side note: Its been one month since school has started if you want to see her first day, I can add that in enjoy~

Tydes POV-

I walk out my dorr, ready to pick Ally up and go to school like I do everyday. It's been one month since school started and 10 weeks since I first bumped into Ally. Since we have the day off tomorrow I was thinking of asking her to be my girlfriend. I really like her heaps snd through those 10 weeks we've become so close.

*knock knock*

"BYE MUM LOVE YOU!" Ally yelled before opening the door.

"Hi Tyde" Ally said.

"Wassup sugar tits" I replied.

"So got any plans for tomorrow?" she asked.

"Actually I do and yur invovled" I replied.

"Good, I was hoping you did because I have absolutely no plans tomorrow"

"Thats great"

"So what are we gonna do then?"

"Its a surprise but be ready by 11:30am or 12 so I can pick you up okay"

"Okay please don't make it a bad surprise"

"I won't dont worry"

Tomorrow is when I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm going to take her to the park where we first meet and ask her hopefully it works out, if not well I hope we stilll get to be friends. We arrived at school just as the bell went, we went or seperate ways to our classes. The rest of the morning was a drag. I don't know how people like this?

Allys POV-

*lunch time*

"TYDE!" I yelled while he was walking down the hallway, he turned and smiled then started walking towards me. 

"Do you wanna go sit in our secret spot?" he asked.

"Yes, I want to get away from everyone" I replied while making a fake gun with my fingers and pointing it to my head, then pulling the triger.

"I can tell" he laughed. Could you really tell by my face? I tried to hide it while we were walking. It was luch which meant everyone went crazy. Me and Tyde went to our spot that is away from everyone and everything so its just us two, I like it like that.

"Ugh I am so happy thst we have the day off tomorrow, I am sick of this place already" I said.

"Same, I am too" he agreed.

"Ya know, I actually like it just being us two, its nice" I admitted.

"Yeah me too, away from everyone" Tyde replied. I could feel our faces getting closer and thats when it happened our lips crashed together, butterflies went off in my stomach, fireworks went off and it was just perfect.


GOD DAMMIT BELL. We pullled apart. Tyde stoop up and reached for my hand.

"Come on" Tyde said.

"I don't wanna go" I pouted.

"Its our lst period, then we get to go home now hurry up"

"Fine" I said as I got up and took his hand, he held my hand and walked me to class, the butterflies just wouldn't stop. 


*3... 2... 1... RIIING*

"YAS SCHOOL HAS FINISHED" I screamed and ran out the door, everyone looked at me weirdly. I saw Tyde walking out the gate and caught up to him.

"Leaving without me" I said while pouting.

"No I saw you walking and then started walking I would never leave without you" he smiled. Tyde dropped me off at my house.

"Remember tomorrow" Tyde said before kissing me on the cheeck and leaving. How could I not. I really like Tyde and him kissing me! I can't even process it. Just the feeling and how it happened. I can't stop replaying it in my ming, it kept running through my head all through my last period at school.

"Hello darl" mum sadi while I was walking through the kitchen door.

"Hi mum how was your day?" I asked

"Eh alright and you?" my mum asked

"The best" I sadi smiling

"And whys that?" my mum asked, me and my mum were really close I told her everything so it felt right to tell her about Tyde.

"Tyde kissed me!" I squelled.

"Oh my gosh no! When!" my mum said.

"At lunch"

"What happened?"

"Well we were in our secret spot and  told him how I liked it just being us two away from everybody and then our lips touched, there was butterflies, fierworks everything oh mum it was just so perfect!"

"Aw sweetie, so got any plans tomorrow then?" mum asked.

"Tydes got the day planned, he said it's a surprise" I replied.

"Oh right" mum smiled.


I was lying in bed scrolling through twitter when I got a message from Tyde.


Tyde: Ready for tomorrow? x

Me: Yes, I can't wait! x

Tyde: haha same I've planned something great (well I hope) x

Me: I'm sure it'll be great! x

Tyde: Well its getting late, I'm going to sleep and so should you! x

He was right it was nealry 1 in the morning.


Me: Okay, love you goodnight xx

Tyde: Love you too goodnight beautiful xx

I put my phone on the bedside table and rested my head on my pillow closing my eyes thinking abut what Tyde has planned for tomorrow.

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