Chapter One- Leaving.

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“YOU’RE WORTHLESS” is all I heard before slamming the door shut. You know he’s said these words before and many more that I’ve started to believe him. I looked through my draw and pulled out my razor and then sliced it across my skin. I can’t take this anymore I said to myself almost crying. I need to get out of here. That’s when I had the idea, I can go to Perth and live with my mum, if my dad always yells at me and hits me I don’t see why I can’t escape? I pull out my phone and dial my mums number.

 “Hello sweetie, I haven’t heard from you in a while, how’s it going?” my mum answered. Just hearing her voice brought tears to my eyes, by this time I was crying.

“Uh… hi mum, I have certainly missed hearing your voice” I managed to croak out.

“Oh darling what’s wrong?” you could hear the worry in her voice.

“I can’t take this anymore, I jus-I just need to feel your arms around me, I just want to hear your arms around me, I just want to get away from him!” him as in my dad.

“Well okay, take a one way flight Perth, don’t tell your father because he wont let you leave, so just try and sneak out love you, bye” and then she hung up. My mum left my dad 5 years ago and I think I know why now, I chose to stay her because my life was here, but ever since my mum left things went from good to bad, he started to come home late drunk while shouting names at me like worthless skank etc and abusing me. My mum and dad were great together but come to think of it now my mum was always quite and had bruises every now and then, I didn’t think much of it because I was young and thought she was clumsy until she moved, then I relies it was dad that pushed her away and gave her those bruises.

“ALLLLY!” there goes the monster again. “Come here NOW!” I prepared myself for whatever was about to happen.

“Yes father” I said while coming downstairs.

“Go make me some dinner” he almost yelled.

“I don’t see why you can’t make it yourself?” I questioned, he looked a bit shocked, I’ve never talked back to him before.

“Because I do everything around here and you do nothing” his words filled with disgust.

“Excuse me, you never do anything” I tense as I see his hand starting to rise.

“Yes I do” he said calmly. “NOW GO” he yelled, then smacked me across the check, I look up at him holding my check, his eyes dead and lifeless. As I leave to cook dinner I realise that I have no more love for him and I need to leave tonight.


I put my dads dinner on his lap then left. I opened up my laptop and looked for a one-way ticket to Perth.  Lets see his is usually asleep around 1:00am so if I leave at 1:30 then I shall get a plane ticket around 2ish and he won’t notice that I’ve left until he wakes up. I ordered my plane ticket and text my mum that I should get there around 6:30 in the morning. After that I went to sleep excited to finally leave and get away from this place I called home and the monster that made my life a living hell. 

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