Chapter Four- Girls Day Out.

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We headed to the mall mum said that she'll buy me some new clothes since dad never did anything for me. Plus I did actually need some new clothes I've been living in a sack for the past 5 years and we can also have a big catch up and talk about her and Steven. The first shop we went into was Cotton On I brought a few tops and shorts considering it was summer. We looked at a few moew stores before finally deciding to get something to eat, my mum treated me to Starbucks since I haven't seen her in ages.

"So what's the gossip girl?" my mum said while we took our seats.

"Nothing really why?" I replied.

"Oh come on, there must be some gossip I haven't seen you in 5 years! Any boys hmmm?"

"Well not really dad had bascially kept me locked up for 5 years and I didn't have nice clothing or looked nice so no boys ever had any interest in me, but enouh about that, tell me about you ans Steven ohlala"

"Oh... well" she started while blushing. "Do you want me to tell you the whole story?"

"Yes mum, now hurry up before I get bored"

"Okay well I was getting my morning coffeeeand breakfast and the waiter gave me my coffee but forgot the napkin so I asked if I could have one, surely he brought one back but when I went to wipe my mouth I noticed that it had little scribbles on it, then I noticed that it had his number on it with 'call me ;)' written under it. Don't get me wrong I thought he was cute so I decided why not just give him a call and after that we started talking and getting to know each other better if you don't mind, I only told him to stay for the week to get to know you better?"

"Aw mum, thats so cute! Of course I don't mind he seems like a cool guy"

"Oh thats great, I can tell you two are going to get along very well, should we get back to shopping then?"

"Sure, if you don't mind, I mean you've already spent enough money on me"

"Don't be silly! Now lets go!" and with that we headed off to do more shopping.


"Ahh" I sighed while plumping down on the couch along with all my shopping bags. "Geez mum you sure did spend alot on me and I can't thank you enough" I said

"I know I know don't tell Steven" she giggled with that Steven walked in.

"Wow, you sure did alot of shopping today" Steven said while looking at all my shopping bags. "Why don't you ever spoil me sometimes" he said while pouting at my mum.

"I'm sure you'll survive honey"  my mum said then kissed him on the lips. Its makes me happy to see my mum finally happy with someone she loves.

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