Chapter Thrity-Two- I'm Sorry

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How am I going to tell everyone? Especially Tyde! Oh no Tyde! What will he think of me? How will he react? How will mum and Steven take this? Will I want to keep the baby? Shoukd I get an abortion? Or should I keep it? Or should I put it up for adoption? Or should I keep it? What will happen? What will I do? A milliom thoughts ran through my head. I gave the doctor a nod and walked out. I'm only 18! I want to do things with my life, but I can't do that with a new born baby. I fell to the floor and started crying, how could I be so stupid? I ask myself. I already had comdoms im my draw incase it ever did happen, but I was so stupid I forgot. How could I forget!?

"Um excuse me ma'am" I heard someone say, interrupting my thoughts, I looked up it was Brain. I probably looked terrible, my mascara was probably running as well.

"Brian?" I said, Brian realised it was me and said

"Omg Ally! What happened!? Are you alright!?" he freaked out and I laughed

"I'm fine, thank you" I replied

"Brain Smith" one of the doctors said

"Sorry but I have to go, you need anything or need to talk to someone just call me, hope everythings alright" Brain said and then walked off, I went to my car, I stayed there for a moment trying to clear my thoughts. I started my car and found I was drivinh myself to the shop. I went imside and brought ice-cream, popcorn and chips, then drove back home. I stopped the car and waited for a bit. My eyes have cleared a bit they aren't as puffy and red so they weren't as noticeable now. I grabbed my stuff and then walked inside, to see Tyde sitting on the couch.

"Hey babe, where'd ya go?" Tyde asked. I just lost it and started to cry.

"Oh hey, don't cry whats wrong baby?" Tyde came rushing over to me amd held me in his arms while rubbing my back.

"I'm sorry, I think I'm getting my periofpd, my hormones have been all over the place lately, you know how I get sometimes" I lied to him "and I went to the shop" I carried-on

"Oh okay, hey do you wanna have a movie day?" Tyde asked

"Its like you read my mind, I brought ice-cream popcorn and chips" I said whike getting the stuff out. Tyde made the popcorn and I chose the movie to watch. I choose Marley and Me and then put it in.

"So wha'd you choose?" Tyde asked while coming over with the popcorn and chips.

"Marley and Me" I smiled and the movie started to play. Tyde came over and cuddled into me. I tryed to focus on the movie but I couldn't stop thinking about how I am going to tell Tyde. I've already decided that hes going to be the first one I'm going to tell before anyone else, after all he is the father. I yawned. All this over thinking is making me tired. I snuggled into Tyde and got comfortable, before I could feel my eyes dropping lower and lower unti they were fully closed and then sleep took over my body.


I woke up to sunshine shinny brightly through my blinds. I turned over and saw Tyde, a tear slipped down my cheek I quickly wiped it away. I have to tell him today, I can't holding it in because sooner enough I'll blurt it out if I hold it in for to long. Tydes eyes fluttered open and he saw me

"Morning beautiful" he said and kissed my nose

"Morning sunshine" I smiled we both got up and went to make breakfast, Isla and Brandon were already up making breakfast

"We're making breakfast for all of us" Brandon said and me and Tyde sat down at the breakfast bar. I soon got up and got everyone a glass of orange juice then sat back down and waited for breakfast to be ready. I was starving. I'm feeding two people now.

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