Chapter Fourteen- Playlist Live.

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Allys POV-    

So Tydes rib has healed and hes now coming to school with me, everybody asked me what happened to him, while he was away, I just said that he was on a family holiday. I didn't want to blurt out the got hit by a car. Anyways, Troye invited me and Tyde to Playlist Live, I was so excited I couldn't wait to see whats its like, its been a dream of mine since I started youtube and thanks to Troye I get to experince it. My mum is paying for the ticket and I'm paying her 10 dolloars a week, to pay her back. We leave in 1 day, I've already sarted to pack abit and get ready for it, thats how excited I was and I was thinking that I would maybe vlog it and talking about vlogging, I need to flim a new video. After finally deciding what to record I set up my camera and pushed record. 

"Hello, and welcome to my new video, I had no idea what to film so I thought I would do an embarrasing monets video, so without futher or do lets begin with these embarrasing moments. Number one on my list was when I was year 5 and I had a crush on this boy in my class he was you could say on of the 'popular boys', my friends knew I liked him, me and this boy were talking one time in class beacuse I needed help with something and my friends thought it would be funny to make lovey dovey faces behind him, long story short I ended up laughing and a snot bubble came out of my nose, he never talked to me again. Number two on my list happened in front of my family, we were at my grandmas house for a family christmas dinner, I was only like 7 years old and my cousin was 14 so he thought it was funny to pull my pants down in front of my whole family in the lounge and with my pants my undies came down and everyone was laughing but then stopped because I started crying and then my cousin got told off so that was a bright side of an embarrasing moment. The thrid and final embarrasing moent was when I was at Petone Carnival with my mum and dadwhen I was young and there was music playing so my mum grabbed my hand and started dancing and making me dance my cheecks went red geez that was so embarrasing. So there, hope you liked me sharing some of my embarrasing moents with you, please give this video a thumbs up an- wait! I've got some exciting news for you all... slight pause for effect. I'll be going to Playlist Live with Troye, Nicole and Tyde yaay! I won't be having meet and greets and doing panels, I'll just but hanging with Tyde sort of in the background but if you guys see me don't be afraid to come up and ask for a photo, I think I might vlog my experince, so give this video a BIG thumbs up if you want me to vlog my experince, thank you all so much for watching and hopefully I will see some of you at Playlist yaaay! Byee!" and ended the video there. I spent half the afternoon editing my video and uploading, so I went downstairs to see whats cooking. 

"Whats cooking?" I asked mum who was in the kitchen. 

"Toasted sandwhiches" she replied, "Here" she said while passing me a plate. 

"Mmm thanks mum" I aid taking a bite. 


I was heading upstairs to get ready for bed.

"Goodnight mum and Steven" I said half way up the stairs. 

"Goodnight" they bpth say in sink. I got into my pyjamas and layed down in my bed. I was scrolling through y twitter when I got a mention from Tyde. "Excited to go to Playlist Live with @troyesivan @lindsayally and @coleharris. Its going to be fun! So excited <3' I replied with '@tyde_levi @troyesivan @coleharris yes very excited :* (kiss face emoji). After that my mentions blew up. I texted Tyde. 


Me: So excited to go to Playlist with you babe :* xo

Tyde: Yeah, its going to be fun I can't wait! Espically because I'm going with you xo 

Me: Aw, why can;t I be cute like you :c xo

Tyde: You already are and don't have to try princess xo

Me: I'm tried, so I'm gonna go to sleep, see you tomorrow :* :* xoxo

Tyde: Night beautiful xoxo

I sent out a tweet saying 'NEW VIDEO CHECK IT OUT! *with link*' then fell asleep with a smile on my face. Man that boy knows how to brighten up my day. 

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