Chapter Twenty-Three- Forgive & Forget.

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Tydes POV-    

Today is the day, Ally wants to talk to me, I get the chance to fianlly tell her what happened, she texted me last night telling me to meet her at the park around lunch time so we could talk. I got up out of bed and got some breakfast, I chose just to make myself an omlet and then went into lounge to eat it. I was scrolling thorugh twitter when I saw Heidi, mentioned me in a tweet '@tyde_levi had  anice catch up date, with this guy, lets do it again sometime' is she trying to start drama. I tweeted back ' @jaaameheidi uh excuse me are you trying to start drama not that you've done enough, i didn't want you to sit next to me, stop making up stuff thanks' alot of people replied to my tweet saying stuff like 'slay' or 'girl don't mess with tyde' or 'go tyde' I'm gald I had my fans to back me up.


It was around lunch time and I was heading down to the park, I walked through the gates and saw Ally sitting on a swing scrolling through her phone. God dammir she looked so beautiful. Man I just want to go up to her and snog her face off. I walked over to her and she looked up from her ohone.

"Hey" I said awkwardly

"Uh hey" Ally replied, she had a cut on her lip and a bruise on her jawline.

Allys POV-   

I was scrolling through my phone at the park when I heard someone walking towards me. It was Tyde

"Hey" he said awkwardly

"Uh hey" I replied


"I uh... got into a fight" I replied

"With who?"

"Uh... Heidi"


"Because she told me that she planned the kiss and to ruin our relationship"


"But nothing to worry about you should've seen her, I wasted that bi*** and thats also why I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to say sorry for not listening to you and beung shelfish, I just needed sometime" I said

"Oh din't be sorry, I'm the one who should be sorry it was all my fault" Tyde replied

"You know what, its actually Heidis fault this happened between us"

"Well yeah, so forgive and forget?" Tyde asked

"Forgive and forget" I reassured Tyde and then I pulled him into a kiss, amn have I missed those lips.

"So tell me about the fight" Tyde asked

"Well once I saw you and Heidi in Starbucks I ran away to the park crying and some boy asked if I was alright turns out the boy wan an old school friend called Brian, then we were walking around the mall and I saw Heid she yelled my name and asked how things were between us, I said like you care and then she mumbled my plan worked I asked about her plan and she told me that she planned the kiss and to ruin our relationship so I slapped the smirk off her face, Heidi pulled my hair back and punched my lip, I punched her back and knead her in the stomach and kicked her shin and then I punched her in the nose Heidi threw one last punch before Brian pulled me apart from her" I said

"Oh right what a little bi***"

"Yeah well I'm fine you should've seen her I wasted that BI***"

"Get this she tweeted to me saying something like 'enjoyed our little catch up date" Tyde replied while showing me the tweet and his reply

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