Chapter Nine- Adventure World.

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I started to open my eyes while managing to wake up. OMG ADVENTURE WORLD. I suddenly thought, mum and Steven were taking the day off so that we can all go on a trip.

"TYDE WAKE UP, WE'RE GOING TO ADAVENTURE WORLD TODAY" I practically screamed while shaking him awake. I headed downstairs while waiting for Tyde to wake up I grabbed two bowls one for me and one for Tyde, I put greek youghurt in mine with berries and just normal cearl in Tydes.

"Oi dickhead wake up I got you breakfast" I said to Tyde while getting back into bed.

"Well goodmorning to you too" Tyde said while sitting up in bed. "So are you excited for Adventure World?" Tyde asked.

"Did you just hear me screaming at you before" I said. "Anyways hurry up and eat so we can quicky get going, I think I'm too excited" I sort of giggled. Me and Tyde finised our breakfast, while I went to was our bowls, Tyde got ready. I decided to wear a white skater skirt with a black crop top with short sleeves just sitting on your shoulders with sunglasses and my sandals. Me and Tyde went downstairs to see mum and Steven waiting for us while watching tv.

"Are you ready?" my mum asked.

"Yes very" I replied.

Mum turned off the tv and then we all headed to Adventure World.



"Oh my god Ally do you want to go the Freefall" Tyde asked.

"Are you trying to kill me, of course not" I replied.

"Oh come on, I'll be there with you"

"Nope, I'm not going on that thing ever"

"Oh why noy it seems fun, I'll even let you hold my hand"


"Please" Tyde said while pouting.

"No" I replied.


"If it'll make you shut up then I guess but you have to go on The Black Widow with me" I said trying to work something out.

"Fine" Tyde said "Now come on!" he cheered.

We reached the top of the Freefall, the veiw was beautiful but the ride not so much...

"Sheez were gonna fall and die" I said while squeezing Tydes hand. "We're gonna drop any moment now" I carried on and with that e dropped down. "HOLY FUGDE BALLS" I screamed.

"I'm never doing that again" Tyde screamed. As we hopped off, we headed to The Black Widow, this time Steven anfd mum joined us.

"OMG I THINK I'M GONNA HURL" I screamed while tumbling around.

"Never coming to a theme park with you lot, making me go on that ride" my mum said to me, Tyde and Steven, we just all luaghed.


We were on our way home now from Adventure World. It was a very fun day. The rest of the day we just strolled around and going on more rides it was really fun. We also dropped Tyde home.

"Thank you for letting me stay Catherine" Tyde said to my mum.

"I'll walk you to your door" I told Tyde.

"I really had fun today" I told Tyde.

"So did I it was nice" He said while putting his arm around me shoulder.

"I don't know where I'd be without ya Mellet, you've seriously changed my life"

"Well it was my pleasure" Tyde said while kissing my cheek, he opened his door and before going inside he said bye then whispered  I love you probably so I couldn't hear. I said bye then walked off and whispered I love you too Tyde.

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