Chapter Twenty-One- Day Home From School.

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"Morning sweetie" my mum said while turning on the light

"No mum, I don't want to go to school" I replied while putting the pillow on my head. Since me and Tyde went to Playlist we had to catch up on one day in the holidays so I'll need to go tomorrow at least Tyde won't be there.

"If this is about Tyde"

"No its not, I don't care about him, its the jetlag"

"Oh alright, I guess you could stay home and catch up on some sleep but you need to go tomorrow I'll call the school and ask"

"Thanks mum, your the best." I really didn't want to go to school today, yes Tyde was one of the reasons but also the jetlag was actually getting to me. Since I wasn't going to school I checked the time and my phone. Oh look 25 messages from Tyde and 15 missed calls. I cleared them out and then went back to sleep.

Tydes POV-     

I woke up with tear stained cheeks, I've been trying to reach Ally all night, but she hasn't replied. I got some breakfast and then headed out the door, I was already dressed. I didn't know if I should pick up Ally for school or not, but I did decide to walk past her house and see. While I was walking by her house I saw Catherine coming out of the house.

"Morning Catherine" I said

"Ah morning Tyde" Catherine replied

"Is Ally coming to school today?" I asked

"I'm afraid not, its the jetlag" Catherine replied.

"Oh right, thank you anyways" I said and walked off, before I walked to far Catherine called out to me

"Hey Tyde" She called, I turned around "Try have a good day today, don't think about it to much or bed sad to much, I'm sure she'll come around soon and you'll work things out" Catherine carried on.

"Oh yeah than you bye" I replied and then walked off. I really hope this day goes fast.

Allys POV-    

After sleeping in I checked my phone 12:00. Wow, jet lag stuffs you up. I decided to get ready and go out for brunch. I did my normal make up and then went to look at my clothes to see what to wear, hmmm oh this looks nice. I chose to wear a pair of denim shorts, a black crop top with 'sassy' written on it, a red flannel top because it was chilly and to pair with it my white converse and a dasiy flower crown, I just left my hair natural and curled it at the bottom and then being the white girl I am I headed to Starbucks. I rodered my starbucks drink and got a caramel slice as wel and then sat sown.

"One chocolate frappicino vente" the lady yelled out. I got out of my seat, and got my drink, I then sat down and started to eat my caramel slice and scrolled through my twitter I sae that TYde tweeted saying 'missing my girl :'(' I stopped and put down my phone and just carried on eating.


Tydes POV-     

School was very borning without Ally, even though it wouldn't had been much better with Ally but it would be good to have her here


Thank goodness school is over, I couldn't stand anymore time in this place. While I was walking home, I saw Ally walking out of her house

"Um hey" I said, she just gave me a little smile and kept on walking, I wonder where shes going? I walked up to my house and greeted Troye when I walked inside.

"Hey" I said while walking to my room.

"hey kiddo, was Ally at school? Did you talk to her?" Troye asked

"No" I said and carried on walking not wanting the same stuff like 'it'll get better' or 'she'll forgive you' or 'just give her some time' I'm just done with hearing all that crap. I know it was my fault and I can't help that. I decided to ring Ally. Still no answer. 'Come on pick up' I htought to myself.

"What do you want Tyde" Ally answered, okay a bit rude.

"Can we talk?" I asked a little uneasy

"I can't at the moment, I'm a little busy" Ally replied

"Um okay bye" I quickly replied and then hung up. It was all my fault.

Allys POV-     

"What was that?" Nicole asked

"Tyde" I replied

"What did he say?"

"That he wanted to talk"

"And why didn't you"

"I just said I was busy"

"Look I know its hard for you but its also hard for Tyde as well"

"Yeah I know, I'm just not quite ready yet"

"Okay but I do suggest you talk to him soon." Nicole said emphassing soon. I've been getting close to Nicole shes like a big sister to me and its great because I can go to her if I need someone to talk to and I know she'll be there to help me.


"Thanks for today, I just needed someone to talk to other than Tyde or my mum" I said

"Oh anytime, I'm always here for you" Nicole replied

"Bye" I said and walked out of the cafe, Nicole said bye too and then I headed down to the beach, just to think over everything. I can't believe Tyde would've kissed another girl, especially since it was Heidi, someone that we both know as well, at least now that shes moved to Florida I won't need to see her ugly face again.


Speaking of the devil it Heidi urgh.

"Hello" I put on a fake voice

"Hey, I'm back in Perth to gather a few things, do you wanna grab something to eat sometime?" Heidi replied

"Ooh I don't know"

"Oh come on we could go to starbucks?"

"Um okay I guess" I suppose it would be a good time to ask some quesions about the kiss.

"Okay well does tomorrow sound good"

"Yeah, I'll text you when"

"Okay bye." and with that I headed home to just sleep for a big catch up at school tomorrow.

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