Chapter Eighteen- Anniversary. (Day 3)

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I woke up to Tyde screaming in my ear and bouncing up and down on the bed.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABE!" Tyde yelled. I acted like I forgot and had a puzzeled look on my face, like I didn't know what was happening. You could see his whole expression drop from being happy to dissapointed and sad.

"HAHA GOT YOU, HOW COULD I EVER FORGET OUR ANNIVERSARY!" I yelled. Tydes face looked relived but annoyed.

"Phew! I actually thought you would've forgotten" Tyde replied.

"How could I ever forget the day, you asked me to be your girlfriend" I said while kissig him.

"Well I have the day planned out for us, so go get ready" Tyde said. I went into the bathroom, had a quick shoer and got dressed into my clothes, I chose to wear high-waisted light denim shorts with a black sort of bra thingy with flowers on it, some sunglasses a necklace and braclet and my black high top sort of rocker chic boots and a grey cardigain to go over if I got chilly, I then moved on to my make-up and did my natural make-up and winged my eye-liner and put on some red lip-stick, I then walked out of the bathroom and just left my hair natural.

"Well lets go and get some pancakes" Tyde said.I squealed, pancakes are my favourtie breakfast ever. We arrived at a breakfast store and Tyde ordered waffles and panckaes for me. The lady brought us our food and we started eating. I was enjoying my pancakes when Tyde spoke up. "We should do the boyfriend/girlfriend tag sometime". I thought hold up its only one month, but I didn't want to tell him so I tried to say it nicely.

"Yeah sure, but maybe we wait a bit because we've only been dating for a month" I said trying not to sound rude, but truthfully.

"Oh yeah, of course" Tyde said agreeing. Thank god he agreeded woth me and then we carried on eating. We ate in complete slience. It wasn't a weird awkward slience, it was a nice slience. Once we finished me and Tyde walked down to the beach and sat down he put his arm around me and we started talking.

"So tell me about your life story and your background and get to know you better" Tyde said. I neraly chocked, I just realised I haven't told Tyde about my dad yet or my past well I guess this moment would be a good moment to tell him zi guess. As I started thinking of my past, I started crying.

"Hey whats wrong" Tyde said while pulling me closer and rubbing my back. I calmed down a bit and started talking.

"Well as you know I moved to Perth but I lied to you I didn't move tp Perth because I missed my mum, I moved to Perth because my dad abused me. 5 years ago my mum and dad got divorced I chose to stay in New Zealand because my life was there and I would miss my friends but as soon as my mum left, things went from good to bad, I had no one. My dad stopped caring, all my freinds left me and the only way I could talk to my mum was on the phone, then one night I just couldn't take it anymore! He called me names like worthless, skank, useless and more, he also abused me if I took to slow to do things or if I didn't obey to his rules so one night I called my mum and told her that I couldn't take it anymore so she said I could live with her, I took a one way ticket here ti start my new life and put everything in my past behind me and then I meet you and my life got brighter and I knew it would get better" I finished wht feels like a short life, story, by this time I was crying and Tyde just help me in his arms, he kept slient and let me cry he probably didn't know what to say.

Tydes POV-   

Here we are on the beach with Ally in my arms crying, she just told me her life story, I really was just taking it in, I didn't know what to say, I was so speechless that Ally could trust me with that. Ally calmed down a bit so I thought I would say something.

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