Chapter Thrity-Four- Baby Shower

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*7 months later*

Allys POV-

"So who should I invite?" I asked Tyde, we wanted to plan the abby shower just the two of us, with a little help as well because we may need some.

"Well obviously my family, your family" Tyde replied

"Obviously, but like what about any friends, I don't have many because I don't like socializing but what about you?" I said

"Only Kalin and Sean" Tyde replied

"Okay so we'll invite our families, Isla, Brandon, Kalin and Sean" I confrimed

"Yeah" Tyde smiled. I guess its just going to be a small baby shower. I sat there feeling my stomach. Tyde put his hand on mine and smiled, he kissed my nose.

"You go watch tv and I'll finish off the invatations" he said

"Are you sure? I can help you" I laughed

"No, I'm a big man I can handle this, you go rest" Tyde joked. I giggled, kissed Tyde and went to go watch tv.

"Hey love, how are the invitations going?" my mum asked

"They're going good, Tydes just finishing them off he told me to rest" I replied

"Do you mind if I go and have a look at them?" my mum aksed.

"Nope" I smiled. So she got up and went to see Tyde while I watched whatever was on tv. Hannah Montanta. Yeah, I can deal with that.

Tydes POV-

I was on my thrid to last invitation when I heard the door open so I turned around and saw Catherine

"Hello " I said and she came and sat next to me.

"I just came to see how the invitations are going" she said, I just finished the one that I was on and sat back.

"So what do you think?" I asked

"It looks really cool, makes me excited for the baby shower" Catherine answered

"Well thats good" I laughed

"How are you and Ally? You know with this whole pregancy thing?" Cathrine asked, I thought for a bit

"Honestly I think if we didn't have all the support from you and everybody else it would've been hard. These past months haven't been as bad as I expected. Sure we've had some fights or Ally's hormones have been all over the place but I think we're doing an okay job I guess considering we are only 18" I replied.

"Well coming from perspective I think you and Ally are doing a great job but trust me these are just the easy days once the baby comes it isn't going to be easy but if we need to, me and Steven will stick around like we have been" Catherine said, I smiled and pulled her into a hug

"Thank you" I replied. After that Catherine left me to finish the rest of the invitations off and then Ally came and joined once I finished the last one.

"Should I get mum to post these?" Ally asked

"Sure" I replied, kissed her cheek and the gathered up all the invitations.

Allys POV-

Tyde gave me the invitations and gave Mum, Steven, Isla and Brandon theres.

"Hey mum, do you reckon we could post these?" I asked

"Yeah course we'll go now aye" Mum suggested, I nodded my head put some shoes on and then we went to post them.


Day Of Baby Shower

"Oh my gosh, it looks so cute and I absolutely love it!" I exclaim

"Thanks, it was such fun decorating it" my mum smiled

"All the cute little decorations and food its wonderful, thanks mum" I said

"Oh I only did a little Tyde did all the work" my mum replied. I looked over at Tyde he had one of those cute smiles on. I gave him a big hug and kiss.

"Thank you, I love you" I said into his ear

"Anytime babe, I love you too" Tyde replied and kissed my ear. Soon everyone started turning up first Tydes family, then mine and a few frinds Thats it really.

"Aw congratulations Ally, my litte sugar rose" Nicole said

"Thanks" I smiled "You should come and visit more often, I've missed you so much" I carried on while pulling Nicole into a hug.

"Yes I should and it'll give me an excuse to see this little guy" she said rubing my stomach.

"Well you don't know if the baby is a guy yet or girl" I say

"You don't know?" Nicole says supised

"We both wanted it to be a surprise" I smile

"Aw cute" Nicole smiled. The rest of the baby shower was nice, everybody said hi and congratulations to me and of course said to the baby and now everyone is eating and just chillin' out before gift giving time. Me and Tyde were sitting together.

"This has been wonderful, thank you" I smile at him

"Anything for you" Tyde replies and then kissed my forehead

"Its kind of weird though" I say

"Why?" he questions

"I don't know, that we have a kid on the way and in 2 months we'll have our own little family together" I say

"But do you know what the best part about this is?" Tyde asks

"No, enlighten me" I laugh

"Going through this whole journey with you" Tyde smiles

"They only say that in the movies and I love it" I smile back and kiss him.

"ALRIGHT WHO'S READY FOR SOME GIFT GIVING?" my mum yells and everyone gathers around me.


Stevens POV- (woah Steven has a point of view now woah)

Everybody has just finished giving Ally her presents, but I had some news to give. I cleared my throat and everyone looked my way.

"Sorry to take the spotlight away from you Ally" I said to her

"By all means" she smiled

"Me and Cath have got some news to share, we've been holding ths in ever since we got here" I start "Me and Cath are..." Pause for dramatic effect "Getting married" I finish

"Well didn't you say so ages ago, congratulations" Ally cheered and gave both me and Cath a hug.

"You needed to settle down with the baby on the way, so we helped you instead" Cath said

"You didn't have to put it off for that long" Ally laughed so did the rest of us.

"So when are you getting married?" Tyde asked

"In 2 months" I answered.

Allys POV-

Steven told us his news about him and mum getting married and now everyones heading home and its about 9:30pm

"I'm exhausted" I say "I think I might go to bed, thank youeveryone for a great day goodnight" I carried on

"Goodnight" everyone said at different times

"I'll come with you" Tyde smiled. So we both got into our pyjamas and then hoped into bed and I cuddled into him.

"Thank you for today, I really enjoyed it" I smiled

"Anytime beautiful, anytime" Tyde replied and kissed my head and then I fell asleep with a big smile on my face.

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