Chapter Twenty-Five- Adam.

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Today was the day my dad goes to court and so do we. I streatched up and hit Tyde in the face while streatching, he groned.

"Ooh sorry babe" I said and kissed him and Tyde pulled my closer closing the gap between us. As muxh as I wanted to cuddle and go back to sleep I couldn't with my dada on y mind, so instead I waited until Tyde went back to sleep and carefully crawled out of bed and creeped downstairs.

"Morning" I yawned while walking downstairs

"Morning Ally" Steven said

"Hows mum feeling?" I asked

"Shes feeling alroght, better than yesterday now that the day is finally here I guess but I think she'll be better once we find out" Steven answered

"Right" I said and drifted off into the kitchen to make breakfast. I decide to treat Tyde and make waffles. I started making the first batch when I felt two arms snake around my waist and then he kissed my cheek.

"I thought I could smell waffles" Tyde said into my ear

"Only for you" I replied and turned around to kiss him our lips moving in sink, we pulled apart and I turned back around to kep on maing waffles with Tyde still holding me from behind and his chin rested on my shoulder. I finsihed mkaing the waffles and set them on the table.

"What do you want to go with it?" I asked Tyde, he shurgged so I go out maple syrup, ice-cream, chocolate suace and icing sugar. I put it all on the diing table and got out two plates and two kinves and forks. Tyde and I sat down together.

"Lets begin!" I said excitedly and we both begun eating.


Me and Tyde finished eating our waffles and while I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, Tyde put all the stuff away. We're about to leave in like half and hour so me and Tyde went to go get ready. Tyde went to get dressed and I did my make-up, I put on a light layer of foundation and then put on my natural make-up look with winged eyeliner and mascara and then I went to decied on what to wear. I finally decided to wear some leather tights and a bagy white top to go over a black flannel and my boots that I got yesterday and to finish it off I wore the necklace Tyde got meand then I moved onto my hair I just decided to curl my hair, I sat down and started to curl my hair Tyde sat down behind me and grabbed the curler.

"What are doing?" I asked

"I'm gonna curl your hair" Tyde grinned his pearly white teeth at me.

"Okay" I smiled. Once Tyde finsihed I looked at my hair

"Good job, you did really well" I said while hair spraying my hair and Tyde winked at me.

"YOU GUYS READY?" Steven yelled from downstairs, Tyde grabbed my hand as to reassure me.

'Here we go, its finally time to face te day I've dreaded' I thought to myself. I gave Tyde a smile and then we headed to court. Once we got to court we walked past my dad our eyes met his eyes were icy cold almost dead looking, you could see the bags under his eyes from the lac of sleep he has had over the last couple of days.


"Ms. Lindsay, do you have any evidence that Mr. Lindsay has abused you before?" the judge asked my mum, my mum shook her head.

"And do you Miss. Lindsay have any evidence that your dad had abused you?" the judge asked me, I thought for a second all I have is memories, all the brusies that he gave me have dissapeared now. I looked up at the judge

"Sadly no" I answered, Tyde squeezed my hand for support, I gave him a slight smile.

"Well that that settles it, Mr Lindsay you will be charged with breaking and entering since you didn't hurt anyone or had any sort of weapons you will get a choice of spending your next 20 days in jail or sending your next 20 days doing community service , your choice" the judge said

"Community service" my dad replied

"Case dismissed" the judge said and everyone got up to leave. All I could think about was whats next? The monster is still out there in the world, what can I do? We got in hte car and started to go back home.

"You alright?" Tyde asked, I breathed in and gave him a small smile and a nod. I started thinking deeper into what I can do. Wait!

"STOP THE CAR!" I yelled, Steven got a fright and pulled over.

"What?" Steven asked

"I think I have away so that my dad can go to jail" I said "Can you drive back?" I asked, Steven nodded and drove back to court. I raced inside with Tyde by my side. 

"Hi can I please see Judge Johnson?" I asked the lady at the front desk

"Sure, I'll take you to her room and see if shs busy, follow me" the lady replied and took us to her room, she knocked first and then opened the door.

"Hi, I have 2 kids here, who said that they would like to see you, should I send then in?" the lady said to Judge Johnson on the other side of the door.

"Bring them in" Judge Johnson replied, the lady nodded and smiled and then started walking back to her desk. I walked through the dorr with Tyde following.

"Ahh Miss Lindsay, what can I do for you?" Judge Johson said once she saw me and Tyde.

"You can call me Ally and I have evidence that my dad abused me so he can go to jail" I replied

"Okay do yu have with it you now?" Judge Johnson asked, I shook my head

"But I can search for it tonight and give it to you tomorrow" I said

"Okay, just drop by office whenever tomorrow and I'll see what I can do" Judge Johnson replied

"Thank you bye" I said and walked out the door. We dropped Tyde home first and then headed to our house.


I was searching through my old youtube videos to find the one when my dad aboused me and I caught it on camera. Yes, this is what I'm looking for. I copied the video and put it on a USB stick to give to Judge Johnson tomorrow, I put the USB stick in my locked draw and then went downstairs to make dinner. SInce mum didn't feel like making dinner, I thought I would make dinne for everyone, I decided to make chicken stir-fry.


"DINNER" I yelled through the house, while putting the plates and stir-fry on the table.

"Thanks darling" my mum said while sitting down

"Smells nice" Steven said while taking his place on the table

"Lets dig in" I said and put some stir-fry on my plate and started eating.

"Thanks for dinner, I'll do the dishes" Steven said while grabbing the plates

"Are you sure? I can do them" I replied

"No you go and rest" Steven smiled. I said thank you then went to catch up on some youtube vidoes and then I fell asleep.

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