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Emma handed David a mug of coffee.

"Thank you," David said "I hope Kathryn is somewhere warm. Not out in the cold,"

"David." Emma said "I think you need to start worrying about yourself a little bit more here. Your wife is missing. You are in love with another woman. There's this unexplained phone call..." she showed David the phone records.

"I know. I know. I just... I can't explain why it says that. I didn't do anything to my wife,"

"I'm pretty good at spotting a liar, and honestly, liars have better material. Now, go home,"

"I can go?" David asked confused.

"We don't even know if there was a crime yet. So, get some sleep,"

"Thank you,"

"And, David, maybe get a lawyer,"


"You can't be serious." Ruby said as she spoke with August "A whole year without a roof over your head?"

"You get used to it," August shrugged. "And plus I had the motorcycle, so if I didn't like a place after a while..." he made a zoom motion with his hand.

"Ruby?" Granny called out.

"I've never even been out of Storybrooke," Ruby noted, ignoring her grandmother. "What was your favorite place?"

"Nepal. Best people. They have these prayer temples, carved into mountains that are overrun with lemurs,"

"What's a lemur?"

"Ruby!" Granny called again.

"Just give me a sec!"

"They're little animals. Yeah. And they have these eyes that reflect light, so at night it looks like they glow,"

"Ruby, stop flirting and get over here!" Granny ordered as she tapped on the table.

~ Enchanted Forest ~

A boy tapped on a window.

"Who's there?" A girl asked.

The boy opened the window "Let me in,"

"I'm just a poor old widow. Spare me!"

"Let me in, or I'll..."


"I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow..."

Red opened the window with a chuckle "You'll huff and puff?"

"I couldn't think of nothing,"

"So you thought you'd level the house with the power of your breath?" Ruby kissed him. "Well, a case could be made..."

"Oh!" The boy chuckled.

"Shh!" Red looked over her shoulder "Granny's in the other room. You know she doesn't like me opening the shutters,"

"No, she doesn't like me,"

"That's what I meant,"

"You gotta get out of here,"

"I know. Anywhere,"

"A blacksmith's boy can get work all over,"

"You'd leave everyone you know?" Red smiled "You'd do that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you,"

Red looked at him lovingly before chuckling "Peter, watch out, your air of danger is slipping,"

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