Red-Handed [4]

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~ Magic Kingdom ~

"Here's another one," Snow pointed out as she and Red continued to follow the wolf's trail.

"Right. And then here's..." Red stopped as she looked at the change in the footprints.


"This print, it looks like it's half wolf and half boot. See?"

"Wolves don't wear boots,"

"No, they don't." Red followed the trail with her eyes "And it just continues like it was a man. Like it was a man and a wolf,"

"Red, what kind of monster is this?"


"So..." Red started as the two women walked through the woods.

"Yeah," Snow breathed.

"Wolfstime is once a month. On the full moon. There's a story I heard once, about a creature..."

"Hey," Snow interrupted "Aren't we awfully close to the cottage?"

The duo followed the footprints and noticed they lead to Red's window.

"Who's gone to your window, Red?" Snow wondered.

Red ignored Snow's question, as her eyes filled with heartbreak.

"Is it Peter? Red, has he been at your window?"

"Last night," Red replied. "Before the killings. And he never joined the guys to hunt the wolf,"

"But I'm sure he wouldn't have killed them,"

"He wouldn't. But when the wolf takes over..."

"What about tonight's hunting party?"

"They're gonna kill him. Or he's gonna kill them,"

"It doesn't have to be that way,"

"What can we do?"

"Tell him." Snow turned to look at Red " If he doesn't know, tell him. Stop him. If he'll believe anyone, it's you,"

"You think I can save him?"

"I think you can save everyone,"

Red looked around "It's gonna be dark soon. Granny will be out of her mind with worry if we're not home. She'll go out there. Mary, this is so bad,"

"So do something,"

"You're right." Red realized. "I have to,"

~ Storybrooke ~

Ruby hesitated as she approached the diner, gathering her courage before she headed inside. She headed up to the counter where Granny stood. I need a couple of grilled cheeses and a ham and cheese toastie," Ruby ordered. "I'm working over at the Sheriff's station now. Sort of like a...Like a deputy, you know? I guess sometimes your fate finds you,"

"Seems kind of like you're doing the same thing you've always done," Granny claimed as she handed the order over to the cook.

"Plus so much more," Ruby rebuttaled.

"Hmm. Those will be right up,"


"Tony has to unwrap the cheese slices,"

"I help solve crimes,"

Granny nodded "I'm sure you do. I hope you're finding what you're looking for,"

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