Red-Handed [5]

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"Well, he's bruised, scratched up, a little dehydrated..." Dr. Whale explained to Emma at the hospital after looking over David. "What did you expect?"

"He's got a cut on his head." Emma pointed out.

"It's superficial. I can refer him to Dr. Hopper for a mental health eval, but it's my opinion that whatever caused this blackout is the same phenomenon we observed when he came out of his coma. Moving around, acting out, not remembering it later,"

Emma looked over at David "We will figure it out,"

David sighed "It's so strange. I can't even believe it happened,"

"How functional could he be during one of these episodes? I mean, he talked to someone,"

"People in similar states, even under sleep medication, do all sorts of things. Cooking, talking, driving a car,"

"You want to know if I could've made that call." David reasoned. "Or more. You want to know if I could've, what...kidnapped her? Killed her?"

"Take it easy, there." Dr. Whale warned.

"No one's saying you did anything bad, David," Emma argued.

"No, but it would explain why it didn't seem like I was lying," David said. "I wouldn't know,"

"Stop talking, David." Regina interrupted as she hurried into the hospital room. "What are you doing here?" she asked Emma. "Why doesn't this man have a lawyer present? Have you even read him his rights?"

"No." Emma said "Because he's not under arrest. We're just talking,"

"Right. Just talking,"

"What are you doing here?"

"Mayor Mills is still Mr. Nolan's emergency contact," Dr. Whale explained.

"You have to be kidding me,"

"I thought that changed to Kathryn," David said.

"Well, Kathryn is currently unavailable. Some people haven't found her yet. Stip trying to place blame and just find her,"

"There's a whole lot of Maine to search, Regina," Emma argued.

"Well, you covered this room. I suggest you branch out,"

Emma let out an angry huff as she left the hospital.


"I'm allowed a break you know," Jack teased as he answered his phone.

"Here's the thing. The last time David went for a dream walk, he went to the toll bridge. You know the one?" Emma asked.

"I was there when you found him," Jack reminded.

"It's a crazy hunch, but I want you to go and see if he was there. It's gonna be dark out soon. David's gonna be let out. If something's there, we gotta get there first. We don't have time to argue. Can you do this?"

Jack sighed as he hung up the phone and looked over to where Kayla sat on the couch, their movie on pause. "Care to change this to a nature hike?"


"I mean, what are we even looking for?" Kayla asked Jack as they neared the toll bridge.

"Anything out of the ordinary," Jack shrugged. "Something that doesn't belong,"

"And if we find something?" Kayla asked, slipping a bit on the wet sand.

Jack caught Kayla's arm "Just follow your instincts,"

Kayla walked over to a board that seemed out of place, she used a stick to poke around until she heard a solid wooden thud. "Jack!" Kayla scraped away the dirt until she discovered a jewelry box.

"Kayla?" Jack walked over as Kayla opened the box.

"Shit!" Kayla dropped the box.

"What is it?" Jack asked as Kayla hid into Jack's arms "What's..." he noticed the contents inside the box "Oh crap,"

~ Enchanted Forest ~

Snow hid under Red's cloak as Granny walked towards the room.

Granny opened the door and looked around the room "Where's Mary?"

Snow pulled the hood over her face.

"Come on, girl, wake up. We'd best bar the door. If Mary's not back by now, she'll have to take her chances." Granny rolled Snow over and gasped.

"She's in no danger," Snow said.

"What have you done?"

Snow sat up in the bed "No, it's okay, it's all right, it's fine,"

"Where is she?"

"Well, she's with Peter, and I know you don't like him, but that's really beside the point,"

"You stupid, careless, ridiculous girl," Granny snapped.

"No, you don't understand. Peter isn't...This is going to be difficult to accept. You just have to trust me. He's the wolf,"

"You think Peter is the wolf?"

"Yes. This terrible creature is also human. It's okay, though. He won't hurt her. She's got him tied up,"

"He's tied up?"

Snow nodded.

"Oh, that poor boy." Granny voiced.


Peter tug against the chains that held him against the tree "Red! No! Red! It's me! Don't! Don't, please!"

Red, now transformed into wolf form growled as she stalked towards him.

"Red! No! Red! No! Red! Red!" Peter grunted as he struggled against the chains. "No,"

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