Hat Trick [5]

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Jefferson was led in front of the Queen of Hearts and her court.

"Her Majesty says she knows you're responsible for helping to steal from her," The Queen's footman said.

"The Queen, she tricked me..." Jefferson declared.

"That woman's name is Regina. There is only one Queen. The Queen of Hearts,"

"Yes. Of course. My apologies. Now, please..."

The footman turned as the Queen whispered to him. "Her Majesty wishes to know how you got to this world. How did you come to Wonderland?"

"If I tell you, will you let me go home to my daughter?"

"Off with his head," The Queen said.

The axeman moved towards Jefferson.

"No." Jefferson shut his eyes, ready to embrace death as the axeman swung.

Jefferson's body fell to the ground, leaving one of the guards holding his head.

Jefferson opened his eyes "I'm alive." he noticed his body on the ground "I'm alive!"

"If you wish your body back, then answer," The footman ordered. "How did you get here?"

"The hat. My hat. We used my hat,"

"Where is the hat now?"

"She took it. Regina,"

"If all you require to travel to your homeland is this magic hat, then surely you can make another,"

"I can't. A hat without magic is just a hat. It won't work,"

"Then there's your task. Get it to work,"

~ Storybrooke ~

Kayla slammed the hat on the table "I can't make it work! What you're asking me is impossible,"

Jefferson stood up abruptly, causing Kayla to stand up in fright. "No. It has to be. If it's not, I'm never going home. I'll be cursed to live in this house forever,"

"What is so cursed about your life? Look at this place. It's beautiful. Doesn't seem cursed to me,"

"It's cursed because, like everyone else here, what I love has been ripped from me," Jefferson dragged Kayla over to a telescope "Take a look,"

Kayla hesitated, only to grunt when Jefferson pulled her hair to look through the scope. She stopped breathing as she saw that Jefferson had been watching Paige, one of her students.

"Her name is Grace. Here it's Paige," Jefferson explained. "But it's Grace. My Grace. Do you know what it's like to watch her, day in and day out? Happy. With a new family. With a new father,"

"You think she's your daughter? I'm her Godmother. I..." Kayla jumped when Jefferson grabbed her wrist.

"I don't think," Jefferson said darkly. "I know. I remember. She has no idea who I am. Our life together, where we come from. I do. That's my curse,"

"To remember," Kayla whispered.

"What good is this house, these things, if I can't share them with her?"

"If you think she's your daughter, why don't you reach out to her? Why don't you tell her? I'm her teacher; I can..."

"And destroy her reality? I'm trapped by knowledge. How cruel do you think I am? You think I'd inflict that awareness on my daughter? It's hard enough to live in a land where you don't belong. But knowing it? Holding conflicting realities in your head will drive you mad,"'

Kayla glanced over at the watch "That's why you want me to make the hat work, isn't it? You just want to take Grace home to your world,"

"It's the one world where we can be together. Where she'll remember who I am,"

"I know what it's like to be separated from who you truly are,"

"Yeah, you do, don't you?"

"It can make you feel like you're losing your mind,"

"I'm not losing my mind. I'm not crazy. This is real,"

"Maybe." Kayla looked over at the watch "Maybe it is,"

"You believe?" Jefferson asked as Kayla's hand brushed the golden design.

"If what you say is true, that woman in the other room is Emma's mother. So maybe you're right. Maybe I need to open myself up more. Maybe if I want magic, I have to start believing,"

Jefferson brushed a thumb against Kayla's cheek "So, you gonna help me? You can get it to work?"

"I can try,"

Jefferson smiled and turned towards the top hat.

Kayla grabbed the telescope and swung it at Jefferson's head, knocking him out. She hurried out of the room to where Mary Margaret was being kept.

"Kayla!" Mary Margaret mumbled.

"It's all right," Kayla said as she undid the binds and gag on Mary Margaret "I'm gonna get you out of here. You're gonna be okay. He can't hurt you anymore,"

"Kayla, look out!"

Jefferson aimed a gun at Kayla "Off with his head,"

Jefferson fell to the ground, leaving both women confused.

"Kayla!" Jack called out.

"Jack!" Kayla breathed as she hugged their savior.

"You guys okay?"

"Yeah," Mary Margaret nodded.

"The pocket watch," Kayla realized.

"What?!" Jack questioned.

"I don't know. He had this watch...and I felt like it belonged to me,"

Jack thought back to the fob watch that Mr. Gold had revealed while in jail.

Kayla hurried into the room with the hats, only to find that the watch had been thrown into the fireplace. "No!"

Jack stopped the girl from going into the burning furnace "It's not worth it, Kayla. It's just a watch...it's just a watch,"

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