Heart of Darkness [2]

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~ Storybrooke ~

Emma leads Mary Margaret into one of the interrogation rooms.

Mary Margaret stopped when she noticed Regina sitting at the table.

"Hello, Ms. Blanchard," Regina greeted.

Mary Margaret looked at Emma "What is she doing here?"

"She asked to be here as a third party to make sure that I stay impartial," Emma explained. "It can only help you,"

Mary Margaret took the seat across from Regina and Emma "I have nothing to hide. Ask me anything,"

Emma clicked the tape recorder "The heart was found buried near the old toll bridge. And it had been cut out by what appears to be a hunting knife. Have you ever been to that bridge before?"

"Yes." Mary Margaret nodded "Many times. It's where David and I liked to meet,"

"Mr. Nolan?"

"Yes. and you met there for what purpose?"

"We were having an affair." Mary Margaret glanced over at Regina "I'm not proud of what happened. And I'm sorry. But that doesn't change the fact that I did not kill Kathryn,"

Emma brought out the jewelry box "Ever seen this before?"

"Yes, it's my jewelry box,"

"That's what we found the heart in,"

Mary Margaret looked between Emma and Regina "Don't you see what's happening here? Someone stole that box and put the heart in it. I didn't have anything to do with it! I'm innocent!"

"Ms. Blanchard. It's okay," Regina reasoned. "I know what you're going through. I know what it's like to lose someone you love, to be publicly humiliated. Put me in a very dark place. Changed me. I can only imagine what losing David Nolan did to you,"

Mary Margaret pushed back "I haven't changed. I'm still the same person I've always been. A good person. I did not do this,"

"Can I speak to you in the hallway, please?" Emma asked Regina. She lead Regina out into the hall "I told you to leave the questioning to me,"

"How do you know she didn't do it?" Regina questioned. "If that box was stolen from her as she claims, don't you think there'd be signs of a break-in? You and Ms. Smith are her roommates. Tell me, has there been a break-in? She is a woman who's had her heartbroken. And that, that can make you do unspeakable things,"

~ Enchanted Forest ~

Snow White waited as one of the Evil Queen's knights rode through the woods.

The knight fell off his horse, due to a trap that Snow White had laid.

Snow White went up to the knight and used the pickax from the dwarves' cottage to hit him in the leg, causing the knight to scream out in pain. "It'll heal. Eventually,"

"What do you want?" The knight spat.

"Information. Where's the Queen?"

"And why would I tell you?"

Snow White knelt down in front of the knight "Do you know what a diamond is? It's the strongest substance known to man or beast. Beautiful, precious, nearly impervious to destruction. Nearly." She stood back up and showed the knight the pickaxe "This. This is an ax from the Dwarf Mines. It's a special blade. It can, believe it or not, actually cut a diamond. Now imagine what it can do to human flesh. Soft, pliable, tender flesh,"

"She's at her castle!" The knight exclaimed before Snow White could swing the pickax on him. "But only for the night. In the morning, she leaves for the Summer Palace. Please! That's all I know,"

"That Summer Palace was built for my mother," Snow White used the pickax to knock the knight unconscious, taking his clothes.

"What do you think you're doing?" Bad Wolf demanded.

Snow White sighed in frustration by the woman's arrival "I already told you. I'm going to kill the Queen,"

"By stealing the armor off of a knight?"

"Whatever I have to do to get into that castle. So get out of my way. I have to get there before she departs,"

Bad Wolf grabbed Snow's arm "Have you lost your mind? You really think this disguise is gonna fool anybody?"

"I'm getting in there,"

"Listen to yourself! All you care about is revenge. You can't even see reality anymore. This isn't how your story is supposed to go, Snow,"

"What I don't need is to be lectured by a Clairvoyant with daddy issues,"

"I didn't come here to lecture you." Bad Wolf admitted "I came here to help you,"

"Help me? How?"

"By taking you back to Rumplestiltskin. He's the one who gave you the potion in the first place. The one that took away all your memories of your prince. If anyone can give them back to you, it's him,"

"I don't want my memories back. That's why I took the potion,"

"And it changed you. Maybe he can at least bring you back to the person you used to be. He's the most powerful man in this world. He can do anything,"


~ Storybrooke ~

Jack Harkness checked around Mary Margaret's apartment as Kayla stood nearby with arms crossed as she watched.

"I never should have mentioned the jewelry box," Kayla sighed "I'm sure lots of people have that same jewelry box,"

Jack walked over to Kayla and grabbed her by the arms "You're helping her now. That's why I'm searching the apartment,"

Kayla released her frustrated breath and nodded "So what are we looking for?"

"That's my girl," Jack smiled. "I'm trying to see if maybe someone broke in. Looking for busted door jambs, broken glass, muddy boot prints, that kind of thing,"

"So you agree, someone's setting her up?"

"It's the only thing that makes sense based on what you and Emma tell me about her, and from what I've seen. The only problem is, nobody's got a motive,"

"Regina does," Kayla said bitterly.

"Why, cause she hates Snow White?"

"I think you've been hanging out with Henry way too much," Kayla pointed out.

"I'm just providing a motive,"

"I don't think 'she hates Snow White' will hold up in court," Kayla huffed as she looked at a photograph of her and Mary Margaret during Kayla's first day as a teacher at the school. She stopped when she heard a rattle from the ac vent. "Jack?"

Jack walked over "did you find something?"

Kayla reached in and pulled out an item wrapped up. She dropped it quickly once she realized what it was "Oh, god,"

It was a hunter's knife.

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