Hat Trick [4]

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Jefferson placed the required pieces in front of Kayla "Make on like that," he pointed to a tophat sitting right next to her.

"What, you get off on women making you hats?" Kayla questioned.

"Well, none of them work, do they? Or else you wouldn't be here. Now make a hat and get it to work,"

"I don't..."

"You have magic. You can do it,"

Kayla held her head in her hands as the whispers from the watch spoke to her. She looked up at Jefferson in realization. "Hatter?"

Jefferson smiled, seeing Bad Wolf reveal herself, even if just for a bit.

Kayla shook her head "It's just a story. The Mad Hatter is in Alice in Wonderland. A book. A book I actually read to my class!"

Jefferson sighed "You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic." he pointed a gun at Kayla "Now get it to work. You and your friend are not leaving here until you make my hat. Until you get it to work,"

"And then what?"

"Then I go home,"

~ Enchanted Forest ~

"You want to go in there?" Jefferson asked the Evil Queen as they looked through the maze in front of them.

"What I want is a short walk-through," The Evil Queen proclaimed.

"A short walk? You know who this belongs to,"

The Evil Queen glanced up at the heart above the maze "The Queen of Hearts. She's not one for subtlety,"

"This wasn't part of our deal. You know what she does to anyone that crosses her?"

"Indeed. Better than most," The Evil Queen turned to notice Jefferson just standing there "You can't leave Wonderland without me. Two go through. Two go back. You aren't gonna let the Queen of Hearts keep you from returning to your daughter, are you?"

Jefferson scowled as he moved closer to the Evil Queen.

"That's what I thought,"

Jefferson stopped the Evil Queen "Wait," he grabbed a stick and tossed it towards the hedge wall.

A shrubbery hand shot out and dragged the stick into the thicket.

"Stay away from the walls," Jefferson informed.

"I've got a better idea. The walls should stay away from me," The Evil Queen summoned a fireball and threw it through the maze, allowing the duo to walk straight through to the Queen of Heart's vault. The Evil Queen used her magic to unlock the vault doors.

Jefferson waited outside the doors to keep watch and have deniability of the Evil Queen's doing. He turned when the Evil Queen walked out with a box "Okay? You got what you need? Shall we?"

The Queen of Heart's guards surrounded the duo. "Trespassers! Halt!"

The Evil Queen and Jefferson took off through another maze entrance to get away only to have spears pointed at them.

"Halt!" The guard commanded.

The Evil Queen thrust her hand forward causing the guards to fall victim to the shrubbery walls.

The duo hurried back the way they had arrived until they were safely away and back at the mushroom.

Jefferson sighed with relief when he saw the portal still there "The Looking Glass, there it is! Come..."

The Evil Queen stopped to take a piece of mushroom.

"What are you doing?" Jefferson demanded "We can't stop now. We got to get out of here,"

"There's something I need to do first," The Evil Queen reasoned. "A little snack,"

"Are you mad? Do you know what the food here does?"

"I'm well aware," The Evil Queen placed the box down on the ground and placed the mushroom inside.

Purple smoke came out of the box until it formed the figure of a grey-haired man.

"Daddy!" The Evil Queen smiled as she hugged the man.

"This is what she took from you? Your father?" Jefferson asked.

"The Queen of Hearts has always seen me as a threat. So she wanted some leverage. I got it back,"

The Evil Queen's father heard the guards in the distance "The Queen's soldiers. We must hurry,"

"You knew only two can go through the hat," Jefferson realized with a scoff "Which is why you didn't tell me about your father,"

"It was the only way to make sure you would help me," The Evil Queen said.

Jefferson lunged for the queen only to be caught by the ground. "Wait, wait! Wait! Please! My daughter. My Grace. She's waiting for me. I promised her I'd be home for tea,"

"A promise which you now have broken. If you truly cared for your daughter, you never would have left her in the first place," The Evil Queen seethed. "You were right, Jefferson. You don't abandon family,"

"No!" Jefferson screamed as the Evil Queen and her father walked through the Looking Glass. "No!"

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