Heart of Darkness

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 ~ Enchanted Forest ~

"Red, look out!" Charming exclaimed as he used his sword to deflect a flaming arrow. He looked across the woods as more soldiers came galloping towards them "We need to move. They've found us," Charming got on his horse and held out his hand.

"Go. I'll take care of them," Red reasoned.

"Red, I'm not leaving you,"

"Find Snow. That's all that matters. Find her,"

"What are you gonna do?"

Red looked up at the full moon "I'm giving you a head start,"

Charming nodded and urged the horse forward.

Red took off her red hood, transforming into her wolf form, and began attacking the soldiers.

~ Storybrooke ~

Mary Margaret blinked as the camera went off.

"Please turn to the right," Jack said.

Mary Margaret looked over at Emma as she stood to the side "Emma, this is a mistake. I didn't kill Kathryn!"

"Of course you didn't." Emma sighed "But while I am your friend, I am also the Sheriff, and I have to go where the evidence leads,"

"Which points to me?"

"Well, Kayla did tell me that the jewelry box is yours," Jack admitted.

"Emma, yesterday, it was David. There's something not right here,"

"I know. But your fingerprints are on that box. And his are not. And as Jack said, it's your jewelry box. So now we have to deal with this,"

"Evidence that says I cut out Kathryn's heart and buried it in the woods. This is insane,"

"If I don't book you, with all this evidence, it's gonna look like favoritism. And then Regina will have cause and she will fire me. And then you know what she'll do? She'll bring in someone who will railroad you. So please, just try to be patient and trust me. We can't even move forward till we verify the heart belonged to Kathryn,"

"And I'm still waiting for the DNA test results," Jack said as he felt both womens' eyes on him.

"So in the meantime, you need to bear with us," Emma reasoned with Mary Margaret. "I have to ask you a few questions,"

"This is crazy," Mary Margaret breathed "I would never hurt anyone,"

~ Enchanted Forest ~

Snow White hummed a tune as she swept around the room.

A bluebird landed on her finger.

Snow White placed the bird on the table and continued to hum as she raised the broom and aimed to hit the bird.

Bad Wolf walked into the room and grabbed the broom from her friend "Snow? What are you doing?"

"Getting rid of the vermin in this house." Snow White spat. She glared at the bird as it flew through the open window "What do you want?"

"It's dinner time,"

"I'm not hungry," Snow White said as she slammed the window closed.

"Come on. The dwarves made something extra special tonight,"

Snow White rolled her eyes but followed her friend to the dining area of the dwarves' cabin.

Bad Wolf cleared her throat as she overheard a few of the dwarves' sentences, letting them know that they had entered the room.

"Did somebody die?" Snow White wondered.

Jimminy Cricket flew in front of Snow White's face. "Snow, why don't you have a seat?"

"Oh!" Snow White began swatting at Jimminy Cricket "Why is there a dirty cricket in here?"

Bad Wolf was quick to grab Jiminy Cricket and shield him with her hands as she moved in front of Snow White.

"My name is Jiminy," Jiminy Cricket introduced from Bad Wolf's hand "And your friends have asked me to be here tonight. They're concerned about you, and they have something they'd like to say." He turned towards Grumpy "Grumpy, why don't you start?"

Grumpy unwrapped a piece of paper "'Snow White, you've changed. You've become angry, irritable, and downright mean',"

"'Changed'?" Snow White murmured. "And who are you to tell me I've changed?"

"Snow, please." Bad Wolf pleaded "These are your friends. And we're all here because we care about you,"

Jiminy Cricket nodded "Who wants to go next?"

"Uh...'You brought bales of straw into the house last night.'" Sneezy read from his own paper "Even though you know that I'm..." he sneezed "allergic,"

"You are allergic to everything," Snow White argued.

"You broke my mug!" Happy exclaimed.

"You're lucky it wasn't that mug you call a face,"

Bad Wolf placed Jiminy on the table as she finally had enough "You are the worst, most nasty, horrible..."

Grumpy placed a reassuring hand on Bad Wolf's arm "Enough," he looked over at Snow White "That potion you took, the one that erased the Prince from your mind, you haven't been the same since you drank it,"

"That helped me forget whatever or whomever I needed to forget, and I'm clearly better off for it," Snow White proclaimed. "That potion was the solution, not the problem. The problem is that I'm living here, in a house full of dwarfs and a clairvoyant, instead of in my palace, with my father as a princess. But I can't do that anymore, can I? Because he was murdered. Murdered by the same woman who sent a huntsman to kill me,"

"Snow, your anger towards the Queen is understandable," Jiminy said. "It's just not fair to take it out on your friends,"

Snow White looked around the room "You're right. I should be taking it out on her,"

"No," Bad Wolf negated "revenge is not the answer. It'll turn you into something darker than you can imagine. You don't want to..." she gasped as Snow White slapped her, holding a hand to her cheek.

"Good news, guys. You can quit your complaining because I'm leaving. I have more important things to do," Snow White said as she headed out of the cottage.

"Snow, wait," Grumpy said. "Where are you going?"

"To kill the queen,"

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