Hat Trick

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~ Storybrooke ~
"Henry? What are you doing here?" Kayla asked as she walked into the station with Jack.

"I came to congratulate you," Henry said.

Kayla looked over at Jack, the man merely shrugged. "For what?"

"Your genius plan,"

"And what plan is that, Henry?" Jack questioned.

"The escape plan,"

"The what?" Kayla exclaimed as she hurried into the office and saw the open cell door. "She's gone." She looked over at Jack "I swear, I had nothing to do with this. Henry?!"

"She was gone when I got here," Henry proclaimed.

"Her arraignment's tomorrow." Jack told the duo "If she's not there..."

"She's a fugitive. Doesn't matter if she's convicted for Kathryn or not, she's screwed." Kayla turned "I have to go find her before someone notice she's missing,"

"I'm coming to." Jack said as he hurried after the woman "The arraignment's at 8:00 am,"

"Then we have until 8:00 am, then," Kayla huffed.

"What about me?" Henry asked, "How can I help?"

"Go home," Kayla said as she hurried out the door.

"Jack!" Henry called out, causing the Captain to turn and face the boy "if they leave Storybrooke..."

"Why else do you think I'm going kid," Jack smirked.


Kayla looked through the foggy woods as Jack drove through the outskirts of town, the duo knowing fully well that Mary Margaret wouldn't touch the main road in fear of being caught. "You know I had nothing to do with this...right?"

"I'm your alibi...remember," Jack pointed out.

"Yes, but to Regina..." Kayla sighed.

"Who cares what Her Royal Majesty thinks," Jack argued back "All that matters is we know the truth, no matter what others think,"

Kayla merely nodded and went back to searching the grey landscape.

Jack cleared his throat "So...you and Mr. Gold,"

Kayla looked back over at the Captain "Do I sense a hint of jealousy in your tone?"

"Our relationship isn't like that. Besides, you know I swing for the other team,"

"And yet all the women here, still flirt with you," Kayla smirked.

"And you're changing the subject,"

Kayla sighed in defeat "I don't know...I just feel..." she thought of a word to explain her feelings towards Mr. Gold only to blank when she noticed the figure in the fog "Jack look out!"

Jack turned his head and moved the wheel at the last second, his feet immediately slamming on the brakes as Kayla got out of the car.

"Are you okay?" Kayla called out to the man.

Man in front of her coughed up the forest ground that he had eaten during his fall. "I think so," he chuckled as Kayla helped him up the hill.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine." The man looked back at Jack's car, the Captain stood at the driver's side but was close enough to intervene if danger arose. "I'm not used to sharing the road with cars so late." The man looked over at Jack "You're the Deputy aren't you?"

Jack nodded.

"What brings you out here in the middle of the night?"

Kayla looked over at  Jack, wide-eyed.

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