Small Author's Note

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Hello Dear Readers, 

No bad news for this author's note, no need to riot. Anyway, I've been thinking, a coup would be quite bad for the economy and the new government would take quite a while to restore the peace. So, I've decided to make the timeline change. From the time Eren receives the letter and Zeke arrives to Paradis would be at least 10 months to allow him to enact the changes on Marley. 

If your asking why I did this, lets just say that I do this for a reason. The same reason Isayama-sensei killed off most of my favorite characters and made me a crying mess in Chapter 132. I still haven't forgiven him yet for killing my fave girl-Hanji- so she lives in this story. 

Anyhow, another thing to note is that Zeke has been in Paradis for two weeks. Making visits to the walls and the people, making him popular. And how about the Mid-East Allied Forces? well, lets just say that I have a plan for them later on and maybe, just maybe, I will be introducing an OC in the next chapters so this book is far from over. 

So, next chapter will be meeting Commander Levi and doing some research. I brought back the gang again, haven't heard from them in a long time! Historia will join them so, yeah. Please continue supporting my book if you enjoy it. Love you guys!

=Nathan Polancos

---FINISHED January 2, 2021 with 247 words--- 


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