Chapter 18

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A few hours later, a knock was heard on Zeke's door. Pieck went over from her seat on the beautiful brown couch to open the door. As she opened, she saw Historia's lady-in-waiting, Sarah. 

"Oh hello," greeted Pieck with a smile. 

"The queen awaits for you both in her private chambers," she said bowing. 

Pieck gave a curt nod in response and closed the door. 

She took a breath before looking into the mirror to check on herself. She smiled at the gorgeous sleeveless white dress she was wearing, encrusted in purple amethyst around the bosom cut. Ever since she became queen, she had been spoiled much more than when she was a warrior. Placed dainty around her head was a silver circlet, woven with small white jewels encrusted around it. 

"You look beautiful darling," said Zeke as he went out of the bedroom. 

Zeke was wearing a shining white royal uniform. It had been encrusted with golden buttons and he had a sword hanging from the side. Around his chest was a purple sash and his armband which carried the star of Marley. He smiled as he saw his fiance looking at herself, ever since she became his queen, he had spoiled her rotten with gifts out of his own pockets. 

"Do I really look beautiful Zeke?" asked Pieck with a frown. 

Zeke smiled as he held her cheek. "More beautiful Pieck, out of all the warriors, you were the one I trusted the most, your smart and talented. I am very lucky to have" 

"Thank you, my love, that mean's a lot to me," said Pieck smiling. "Shall we go?"

"Hold on," said Zeke. "You forgot something." 

Pieck scrunched her face in confusion before Zeke motioned to a long object wrapped in white cloth leaning against a wall. Pieck took hold the hidden object and placed under her arm. 

"Read now, my love?" she asked. 

Zeke nodded. "Ready." 

He held out his arm towards Pieck. She smiled as she held his arm and leaned her head on it. . Soon, they walked out of their room and headed towards Historia's room which wasn't that far. They soon arrived on a white door with jewels and the royal crest on it, Zeke knocked on the door and waited for someone to reply.

"Who is it?" asked a soft voice which they recognized as Historia. 

"Its Pieck and Zeke," replied Pieck. "Can we come in?" 

"Of course!" came Historia's bright reply. "Do come in." 

They opened the door to her room and walked in. They saw Historia standing before them, wearing a white flowing gown. Eren stood beside the queen, a soft smile on his face. He was wearing a beautiful dark blue uniform with twelve golden buttons across his chest. Zeke recognized the uniform, it was much like the Paradis army's but the one main difference were the golden epaulets on his shoulders. 

"Well I'll be damned," said Zeke. "You look sharp, Eren!" 

Eren flushed red. "Glad to know," he said. Its the first time I wore it... Do I look good?" 

Historia grinned as she embraced his arm. "Of course you look good, my love," she said alluringly. "It makes me almost sorry to rip it off... If you get what I'm saying." 

Eren blushed a bright crimson as Zeke and Pieck chuckled. "I am surprised you both didn't try anything while we were gone," Zeke said grinning. 

"We can practice self-control you know..." Eren murmured, still blushing. 

"Of course you do," added Pieck. "Don't listen to Zeke here, he's got a dirty mind of his own." 

"Hey!" said Zeke pouting. "I do not have a dirty mind!" 

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