Chapter 30

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The jaw titan's roar was deafening, like thunder strike, some had not heard the roar of a titan in a long time and it was an experience. The roar was like a cannon mixed with the wind, blowing hard on their capes and hair. Armin looked at his wing of soldiers, there weren't many, just four  including Hanji and Levi. Not many soldiers knew how to use their gear, a result of the modernization program. 

"Tch, what a nasty looking piece of shit..." said Levi, looking at the titan as he rode beside Hanji. "Never thought I'd be back killing these pieces of shits with you, four-eyes." 

"Oh, admit it Levi," said Hanji excitedly. "You miss doing this!" 

Levi just smiled, not a nasty smile but soft. "Yeah, I do, four eyes." 

Armin rode towards Eren, seeing the titan running towards them, it wasn't far out but the titan was still a bit slow. 

"Eren, what do we do?" he asked, knowing they didn't really have a plan. 

Eren watched the titan move and began to think, thinking of a strategy for him to defeat him and eat it at the same time. 

Eren nodded and faced Armin. "It cannot attack what it cannot see, we attack the eyes then take him out." 

"Use the maneuver gear and head towards his face," he said. "Use the smoke guns to blind him, this will lessen his movement. Make sure you stay away from its jaws and hands to lessen the casualties." 

Armin nodded and rode back to his squad (wing) and explained Eren's command. Hanji raised her arm up and cheered, excited as she always was. 

Lvi smirked. "Tch, seems like the brat grew up." 

The titan ran closer, Armin looked at Eren, waiting for any signal or command. Then Eren raised his blade, it shined in the sunlight. 

"Left wing, now!" he bellowed. 

Armin nodded and faced his squad and they galloped towards the jaw titan. Armin quickly stood on his saddle and jumped, making his gear connect to the nearby trees. Levi and Hanji followed suit as they soared off, a trail of gas behind them. The jaw titan faced them, unsure on how to act with the gear. 

Tree after tree, they went closer and closer to the titan, their gear's mechanical sound and the sound of the gas ringing through the air. Levi was still the fastest as he spun in the air like a top, preparing to fire his smoke gun. Soon, as they reached the jaw titan's face and it felt as if timed had slowed down. As they flew, their capes undulating in the air, the jaw titan tried to claw at them but they were quicker, firing a load of green smoke at the titan. 

The titan roared in anger as it tried to claw at them blindly, it couldn't see as it blindly moved around. They then saw Floch, who was sadly in their group, bringing out his blade. 

"Floch, no!" Hanji cried out to the red-head. "You'll get yourself killed!" 

"So, your real, huh?" he asked, as he shot out his gear on the titan's right arm. "Might as well kill you now. No point in letting you live." 

He flew around his arm and aimed down towards his nape, as he reached down and went in for the strike, the jaw's left arm reached out behind and by a lucky chance, grabbed him. Floch screamed, trying to wiggle his way out, the grip was so strong that his blade broke. 

"ARRRGGHH! Help Me! Please!" he screamed out to his squad but it was too late, they had ridden on their horses and was watching the event take place at a distance. "Armin! Commander! Hanji! Please!" 

Armin tried to head there but his horse was not as fast and the titan's hand moved quickly. His screams rang out as the titan brought him to his jaws, preparing for a healthy meal, not caring if he was a cannibal. Without thought, he simply threw Floch inside his jaws and closed his mouth with a loud thud, a nasty and very bloody crunch echoed through, making every soldier flinch.

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