Chapter 26

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Zeke was silently sleeping, cuddling against his dearest fiance, who was laying down on his chest. He took deep breaths, everything was peaceful. Suddenly, he felt something cover him as he opened his eyes, the lights opened. 

"Surprise!" he heard the excited cries as he entered.  The crowd began to chant a song. "Happy Birthday Zeke, Happy Birthday Zeke." 

He looked around and saw his family around him, celebrating in front of a cake. He saw his mother,. He looked down on his hands. They weren't large nor scarred, they were small and young, the hands not scarred by carrying a rifle or running in the dirt. 

"Huh?" he asked. "Where am I?" 

"What are you talking about, son?" his mother asked, a bright smile on her face. "Its your birthday." 

"My birthday?" he asked confused. "But what about the restorationists?" 

"What restorationists?" Dina asked mirthfully. "Son, we're Marleyans." 

Zeke looked confused. "Marleyans? No, No. We're Eldians." 

His mother began laughing heartily. "Why would you want to be one of those demons? Its your birthday, come on, let's see your cake." 

She held his hand and pulled him through the crowd. He felt her warmth, a warmth he never felt before. As he passed, he saw the smiling faces and greetings from others. The perfect life, he thought. She slowly led him to the front of the room and towards the front table. On it was a gigantic white cake, larger than he had ever seen in his life. It was four layers tall and had the words: Happy Birthday Zeke! written on it. 

"Do you like your cake, love?" his mother asked. 

He looked at her in surprise. She never, ever called him 'love', she hated him. He didn't know where he was, but he felt to warm to feel anything strange, everything was what he wanted, his perfect life. 

"Its perfect..." he replied. "What flavor is it?" 

"Your favorite, of course," said Dina. "Chocolate." 

Suddenly, he saw his father approach him, he had a bright smile on his face. Beside him was another woman, she had his features, was that his aunt? On his father's arm was a small child, brown hair and green eyes. Was that Eren? 

"Happy Birthday Zeke!" greeted his father. "Look who came from the north to see you! Its your Aunt Faye!" 

"Oh look at you!" she squealed, kneeling down to pinch his cheeks. "I haven't seen you since you were a wee baby, you've grown so much." 

"Do you remember when you pooped on her?" Grisha asked chuckling. 

Faye scowled. "Don't you remind him! My dress was ruined because of that, it took me weeks to clean." 

Grisha and Dina burst into laughter, Faye rolled her eyes before joining them and soon, everyone was laughing. Zeke smiled as he chuckled a bit. 

"Look who also came to see you too!" said Faye as she carried the small boy from Grisha's arm. "This is your cousin, Eren." 

"Huh?" asked Zeke confused. "Isn't he my brother?" 

"Isn't that adorable?" cooed Faye. "He sees him as his brother, I told you he looks like you Grisha, he wouldn't know the difference." 

"Hey! It isn't my fault your son looks like me, the Yeager genes are damn strong," retorted Grisha. 

The siblings laughed again and a black haired girl soon emerged from the crowd, she was wearing a white dress, her bangs falling from the front. "Pieck?" he asked as the girl approached him. 

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