Chapter 6

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As 12:00 struck, Eren stood up and headed for Historia's table. She was still busy signing some papers and she really looked cute when she was busy.

"Hey, Historia!" called Eren, looking down at her.

Historia looked up and smiled at Eren. "Yes, Eren?"

"Its time to go to the council meeting, let's go!" he said as he let out his hand. She held his hand and stood up and headed out of her desk. Both of them headed out to a room where a small sign was encrusted on the door: COUNCIL OF STEEL

Historia took in a deep breath. The council of steel, the shiny new name that the military christened themselves as. Historia had to chuckle, she enjoyed the name, it had a firm, solemn ring to it. But as much as she enjoyed the name, this council was no joke. It wasn't as bad as Parliament, but it wasn't bearable. 

Eren looked at her and gave her hand a tight squeeze and felt that it was very cold. "Are you okay, Historia?" asked Eren. "You're hands are freezing!"

"Yeah, my hands always get cold when I am nervous..." Historia replied, "Could you warm up my hand please?"

Eren nodded and held on her hands, he began to warm up her hands and after, her hands were as warm as the outside world.

"There you go Historia, your hands are warm now, ready to go?" asked Eren, letting go of her hands.

"Ready as I'll ever be!"

Historia signaled the servant to knock on the door. One of the soldiers opened the door and gave Historia a respectful salute before acknowledging her appearance to the council.

"Please rise for her Majesty, Queen Historia!" announced the Military Police soldier.

Everyone in the room stood up and gave Historia a salute. Every major member of the military was there- Premier Zachary, Commander Zoe of the Survey Corps, Commander Dawk of the Military Police, Commander Pixis of the Garrison, also there are the members of the Levi Squad and other members of the Military. There was a gigantic throne in the front of the room and two chairs beside it, one for Premier Zachary and a uninhabited chair on the left.

Historia walked solemnly to the throne, not a trace of fear in her body, and gave a short salute to the council before taking a seat on her throne. As she sat, she noticed Eren was still standing up on one side of the room, keeping an eye on her.

"Mr. Yeager, Please sit beside me..." ordered Historia sternly, motioning him to the left chair. Eren complied and sat beside Historia, making Mikasa jealous again.

"Your majesty," began Premier Zachary, "Shall we begin our meeting?"

Historia nodded. "Yes, Premiere, you may begin the meeting."

Clearing his throat, Zachary looked at a piece of paper and began his report. "It has been five years since the retaking of Wall Maria from the titans and that is something to celebrate!"

"Indeed," agreed Dawk. 

"I second that," cried his subordinate, Floch Forster. 

The commanders murmured amongst themselves, arguing on different ideas on how to celebrate. 

After a few minutes, Historia cleared her throat, silencing the room. "May I ask what we are going to do on this agenda?" 

The room was silent once more. They murmuring starting once again. Eren was starting to get annoyed. The head commanders were silent as their subordinates murmured and argued. He clapped his hands, calling their attention. They all faced the young soldier, even the Levi squad. Historia gazed on at Eren curiously. 

"Yes, Mr. Yeager?" she asked. Mikasa sneered at the queen. 

Eren cleared his throat. "I think we should hold a party for all the military regiments," he said, his eyes widening that the words came from his won lost "Five years is an incredible achievement of peace."

"What an incredible idea!" praised Historia, giving him a small round of applause. The council joined the queen in her praise.

"Thank you, your grace," said Eren blushing

"With ideas such as this, I think I chose the right person to be my secretary," said Historia with a bright smile. 

Eren smiled at Historia. The two stared at each other deeply before an ahem from the Premier broke their stupor. Mikasa glared at the two with a fury, her eyes changing a tone from its usual white to a dark crimson.  

Soon the meeting continued with uninteresting topics on security and relations with Marley and the union. The meeting continued for about two hours until the clock struck at one.

"Well, its 1:00, and the meeting should come to a close!" said Historia. "I suppose those are all in the meeting agenda, Premier?"

"Yes, your majesty, those are all..." replied Zachary with a bow.

"Well then, Premier Zachary, prepare for the anniversary party; it takes place in two months and there will be much to prepare for from now, if i am correct?"

"Yes your majesty, I shall prepare for it immediately."

"Very good, now if you all excuse me, I have to head to lunch," Historia said before standing up and leaving the room with Eren by her side. Everyone had stood up and saluted her until she exited the room.

As soon as she left the room, Premier Zachary went to Levi.

"Levi, I am putting you in charge for preparing the party, do you think you can do it?"

"Yeah sure," Levi replied coldly. "Where's this shit show going to take place?"

"I suppose it can be in the gardens..."

"Alright, leave the rest to me and my squad, we can do it."

Zachary nodded and left the room to do other activities. As soon as he left, everyone else began to leave one by one until it was only Levi and his squad left in the room.

"Alright, we have two weeks to prepare the party, are you brats up for the challenge?" asked Levi as soon as the room was empty.

"Yeah, I think we're up to it, Heichou" replied Armin, looking serious.

"Good, I want Arlert and Ackermann on the design," said Levi, in his usual frown.

"Got it!" replied Mikasa and Armin in unison.

"Kirschetein, I want you to prepare the tables and event flow..."

"Yes Sir!" replied Jean.

"Springer and Braus, both of you deal with food and beverages, but DO NOT EAT THE FOOD OR THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!"

"Uh, Yes sir..." replied Connie and Sasha, trembling.

As soon as Levi was done giving their specific tasks, they all left the council room to begin their specific planning around Wall Sina and the other walls for their specific tasks.

There you all go! Chapter 6 of the Queen's Guard. Man, I love that my book is at no 6. I am hatching up chapter 7 in a few days, don't worry. Don't forget to write your advise for yours truly at the comments and follow me at @Nathan Polancos

-Nathan Polancos 

--- Finished July 18, 2020---   

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