Chapter 15

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"Ymir?" said Historia, tears flowing down her eyes. 

"I'm sorry Historia," said Zeke, his face down. "I shouldn't have discussed that issue with you, I know how much it hurts." 

"Its alright Zeke," said Eren, embracing Historia. "Why did you bring him here though?" 

Zeke exhaled deeply before continuing. "Eren, let me ask you something, how many years do you have left?" 

"Of my 13 years?" asked Eren in reply. "Well, I suppose if I estimate, I have 4 years left. Father gave me the titan serum when I was ten when Wall Maria fell." 

Zeke nodded in understanding. "Don't judge me for anything Eren, I have decided on something, hear me out, got it?" 

"Of course." 

"Eren, you know well that we titan shifters have Ymir's curse that we only live 13 years? Well, you see, you can actually lengthen the curse by another 13 years if you eat another shifter, add that to your current years left and you have 17 years added to your life." 

"Wait..." said Eren, his eyes widened in shock. "YOU WANT ME TO EAT THIS PORCO BOY?" 

"Yes, that is what I meant, is that alright with you?" 

"Wait, how does all of this work? I eat him and the curse adds more years to my life?" 

"Thats practically it, I read a lot of books about titans shifters and also based on the research made by the Marleyan Warriors." 

Eren exhaled and went into deep thought. He looked and saw Historia looking at him worriedly before he flashed her a comforting smile. He had a lot to think about, four years has lessened his bloodlust against the titans and he has grown respect for other's lives, he wasn't going to just eat one and gain more. 

"Zeke, I need to discuss this with Tori," Eren finally said. "Alone." 

Zeke nodded in understanding as he helped Pieck stand and both bowed deeply before returning to their train car. As soon as they left, Eren sighed and began thinking, placing his hand on his chin as he thought. 

"Eren-sniff," said Historia, looking at Eren. "Are you-sniff-alright?" 

Eren smiled weakly. "That is what I should be asking you sweetheart, are you doing okay?" 

Historia looked down and sighed. "I never understood why she left, Ymir, Was she sad or what? What was going on inside her head when she left?" 

"You know why Tori," replied Eren. "She had to go so that Reiner and Bertholdt never came empty handed." 

Historia looked surprise at what Eren said, he never ever called them by their first names ever since they betrayed them and showed where their loyalties lie. 

"What? Was it something I said?" 

"You never said their names before, Reiner and Bert, you always called them the traitors ever since." 

"I've grown Tori, its been four years, and I know why they had to do it. For them, it was a chance to prove themselves, Eldians were second class citizens in Marley, they were separated in their own area called Liberio. They had a family too, but sadly they're not coming back." 

"How do you know all this?" 

"I left the walls, I even went to Marley to spy with the others if there was an upcoming war. I went alone once and spied solo, I realized the Eldians outnumbered the Marleyan's, that was why they were feared. Zeke led a revolution to destroy the leaders of Marley, the Tybur family." 

"So, that is why he is King..." 

Eren nodded. "Tori, I need to discuss something and I think you know why we need to discuss it." 

"What would that be darling?" 

"This Porco fellow, I need your approval..." 

Historia shook her head and began to shake. "No Eren, please, can we not discuss it now. It brings back bad memories." 

Historia began to tear up, she couldn't hold on to it anymore, she broke down into tears again. Eren immediately came and hugged her, rubbing her back in comfort while cooing her smoothly. 

"Sh, its alright, you have every right to cry. Its gonna be okay Tori," cooed Eren. 


"Ymir chose them, Reiner and Bertholdt, she didn't want them to come back empty handed," replied Eren, still rubbing her back. 


"No Tori, she decided on her own accord, she used to be from Marley actually." 

"What?" Historia asked softly. 

"Yes, she came from Marley, she became a God figure to an eldian cult," explained Eren. "When they were discovered, she took the blame and was made into a titan with the group." 

"Really? She never told me that..." said Historia. "How did you find out?" 

"I also found out when I spied on Marley alone," replied Eren. 

"Eren," said Historia. "? All my life, I was nothing but an object to be used, a mistake, a curse. Will you leave me? What am I to you?" 

Eren was caught off-guard with Historia's question. He knew what she felt, he too felt like a mistake and a curse to humanity, they shared that same feeling of abandonment and loneliness. He loved her, more than anyone, he wanted her to feel true love and never ever feel alone. 

"Historia Reiss," began Eren. "You are the most beautiful woman in existence, you have been abandoned, used, and hurt. I can feel the same way about that, I know the feeling of abandonment and loneliness, to feel like a mistake or a curse. I love you, you are the brightest star in the night sky and the light in the dark. You complete me and I shall never abandon you, no matter what." 

Historia smiled brightly as tears fell. "I love you too, Eren Yeager, my darling." 

They looked at each other, smiling, and closed the gap between their lips in a deep kiss. They didn't notice the raven-haired figure watching them and walking away, fuming and in planning. 

"You win this round Ereh (hihi) but I will find one way or another, to make you mine." 

And there we go, CHapter 15 of the Queen's Guard. Thanks for waiting and please don't forget to follow me and to vote this chapter. 2.5k reads already, thanks for all the support guys. If you wait patiently, I promise I won't disappoint with the next chapter. 

- Nathan Polancos 

---Finished October 12,2020--- 

Sie Sind Das Essen Und Wir Sind Die Jager. 

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