Chapter 1

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It was a very quiet but usual day in the small hut, which was the current HQ of the Special Operations Squad or the Levi squad for short. The squad had a very typical day, they spent the day cleaning the hut as Captain Levi had deemed it to dusty and needed a cleanup, Commander Hanji came during the morning and still continued doing her "Experiments" on Eren and Armin even after 5 years after they reclaimed Wall Maria. The group were busy cleaning, discussing the recent sightings beyond the harbor. It didn't sound good, not by what they were saying anyway. 

"Where the hell are Braus and Springer?" Levi asked sharply. The two seemed to have disappeared in the early hours of the morning. They always seemed to do that, almost like routine. Sasha recently began to date Connie and the two would have their little "escapades" in the woods. 

No one responded.  All of a sudden, the door flung open with a loud thud! and Connie and Sasha burst into the room, carrying a hefty deer on their backs. 

Levi looked repulsed and covered his mouth. "What the hell is that?" he asked in disgust. 

"We were able to find a deer in the forest, so we captured it so we could have it for dinner!" replied Connie excitedly.  

"Yeah, some animals have started popping back up in the wild!" added Sasha, her mouth watering. "At first it was rabbit and now the game have returned at full force." 

The whole group began celebrating, its been a long time since they had something decent to eat, they usually ate that horrid paste that they had when they were training in the 104th Training Corps or that protein cracker which they ate during dinner. Most of their mouths began to water as Sasha, Connie, and Jean went out and began to prepare the deer to cook into a deer stew with vegetables. 

"Finally, something decent to eat!" exclaimed Jean as he was cutting out the deer skin. 

"I know right!" said Connie, rubbing his hands together as he prepared the vegetables. 

As soon as they had finished making the stew, they brought it into the house and everyone else sniffed the air around them. 

"Oh, that smells heavenly!" Jean cried as he sniffed the air. To him, it was like heaven on earth.  

"Well..." replied Sasha, "This is deer stew, I got the recipe from my village whenever we brought home some game!" 

"Which you haven't eaten on the way home!" said Connie as he laughed his ass off. 

Everyone laughed at the joke as Sasha blushed red as a tomato. Soon, they placed the big pot on the table and filled everyone's bowls with a ladleful of stew and after, everyone took their places on the table to begin eating the stew. 

"Wow, this is really good!" exclaimed Eren as he took his first bite of the stew. 

"Really?" asked Sasha, her eyes glowing brightly at the compliment from Eren. 

"Yeah, its really good!" 

Its been a long time since she was able to properly make something for people she called family. Ever since she left home 5 years ago, she began to embrace the Levi Squad as her own family. This was where she most felt at home, it was perfect. 

"Is it really true?" asked Armin, busy wiping the table. He had now grown much taller than four years before, he even got a new haircut. "Explosions they say, I heard they last till the late evenings."

"Probably the other shifters" commented Eren. He fiddled with his fingers, full boredom enveloping him. 

"Yeager" said Levi abruptly. "What news have you heard from that brother of yours" 

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