Chapter 5

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Meanwhile in her room, Mikasa sat alone in her room, contemplating her actions during breakfast, how she talked to the queen.  She disrespected her and even tried to punch the man she loved more than anything, Eren, because she saw her holding unto his arm. But she deserved it! A voice in her head said. She took something which belonged  to you... 

Mikasa had to agree with the voice in her head. She did try to steal Eren... 

Then what are you doing? cried the voice. You should rip Eren from her grips... This wasn't the first time the bitch has tried to steal him. 

"Yes..." thought Mikasa. "There was that time at the Orphanage. She blushed at Eren, it was only by coincidence though. I stopped it from going any further. " 

Are you sure about that? Then what happened during breakfast? the voice said, its tone like a slick venom. She has and will try to take Eren from you. Kill her... Take what is yours. 

"No..." murmured Mikasa. "I shouldn't." 

Don't you want Eren? 

"I do..." said Mikasa. "But not by killing the queen. I'll be killed." 

You're an Ackermann, said the voice. You can never be killed. 

Mikasa sighed and looked down at the floor. The voice stopped its whispers, but the message still loomed in her mind. As she sat on her bed, still deep in thought, she heard someone knock on her door.

 Mikasa looked up, "Yeah, who is it?"

Armin opened the door. "Its me Mikasa, could I come in?"

"Yeah sure Armin, come in!" she said as she patted the bed.

"Were you talking to someone?" Armin asked. Her eyes widened. Had he heard her speaking to the voice? 

She shook her head. "No... I was talking to myself." 

Armin smiled and sat on the bed beside Mikasa, he noticed that she was covering half of her face with her red scarf which shows she was mad or jealous.

"What's wrong Mikasa, you were acting weird during breakfast? Is this about Eren?" Armin asked, placing his arm over hers.

"It was nothing..." replied Mikasa, looking serious as always.

"That wasn't nothing, you tried to punch Eren and you tried to choke the queen, what's happening?"

"Its because of Eren," she shouted, a bit too loudly. "Okay?!"

"Eren? How is he making you act like this?"

"I love him, okay, I've loved him since we were kids, and I even kissed him on the cheek before we left; but when I saw Historia holding his arm, I just lost it!"

"Well, maybe she just ordered him to do so..."

"Yeah, but he even defended her and she held his hand, how could he?!"

"Mikasa, you were disrespecting the queen and you even tried to kill her, of course he defended her, and you do know what you're capable of when you're mad?"

"Yeah, I was about to rip her to shreds..."

"I think what you should do, Mikasa, do I phrase it? Act fast."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Whenever you see him, act before Historia does...Make sure you act all affectionate before Historia grabs him up!"

Mikasa beamed brightly. "Armin, your brilliant!"

"But," said Armin grimly. "I have to warn you Mikasa, Eren has always seen you as a mother or a sister; if you act like that, I cannot assure you that Eren will reciprocate those feelings."

Mikasa frowned. She nodded her head sadly. "You're right but I still have to try..."

"Yeah, you should, I hope Eren does have feelings for you," Armin said with a smile. 

Mikasa smiled and moved the scarf away and showed her whole face. "Thanks Armin, you're the best!" she said as she gave him a tight hug.

"Yeah, no problem, anything for a friend!" exclaimed Armin as they were hugging.

As they broke off their hug, Armin stood up and said goodbye before exiting the room and leaving Mikasa alone again by herself. As she lay alone on her bed, she smiled as the thoughts of her and Eren going on dates surrounded her mind as slowly, she drowsed off to sleep. 

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