Chapter 7

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After the meeting, Historia led Eren back to the main row of rooms on the top floor. They went to her room, right beside her study where a small table had been prepared by the balcony  where the sun hit facing the garden. 

Eren looked confused over the table. "Historia, what is this, are you expecting someone?" 

Historia smiled as she held his arm. "No... I was wondering if you would have lunch with me?" 

"Me? but I am just your bodyguard, nothing more!" 

Historia pouted, which made Eren guilty. "You mean to disobey your queen?" 

Eren sighed. "Okay Historia, lets have lunch..." 

Suddenly, Historia grinned. "It always works... My pouting always makes people guilty, especially you!" 

Eren shrugged and sat on the opposite side of the table. Historia sat down and rang a bell which signaled Sarah to enter the room with two plates full of food. 

"Roasted steak with some rosemary and thyme... Enjoy!" said Sarah as she placed down the food on the table and left both of them. 

Eren looked down, he felt guilty that he got to eat nice food with the queen while his other squad-mates were eating military rations. 

"Historia, I can't eat this..." he said, looking up at the queen. 

Historia narrowed her eyes. "Why not?" 

"I can't eat nice food while my squad eats rations..." Eren said as he shook his said. "It isn't fair!" 

"I'll do anything just to make you eat! Please just say the word Eren!" 

"Just give them good food everyday, and I'll eat lunch with you whenever you want!" 

Historia nodded and rang the bell again. 

"Yes, your grace?" asked Sarah, who entered the balcony again. 

"Sarah, please ask the chef to prepare a good meal for the Levi Squad on my orders! Have them eat in the royal dining area everyday!" 

Sarah looked confused at the order Historia just gave. "Your Majesty? Your security detail to eat in the royal dining hall everyday?" 

"Yes, is there a problem Sarah?" asked Historia, who looked very serious. 

Shaking her head, she bowed. "If that is what your majesty commands!" Sarah said as she bowed before leaving the room, obviously confused on what that Eren fellow just did to her queen, someone she looked up to and respected more than anyone. 

"Now Eren, can we finally have lunch?" asked Historia excited with a small blush. 

"Yes Historia, now we can eat!" said Eren, who finally began to dig into his meal. 

They began to eat in peace, Eren was really enjoying the meat, he hadn't had a lunch like this in ages and he loved meat with all its flavors, especially if it was cooked well. Historia was quite used to this kind of lifestyle and always ordered the chef to vary the meals everyday to fix her palate. As they were eating, Sarah approached them with a bow. 

"Your grace..." she said as she bowed. "I have a message from Captain Levi..." 

"Yes, what is it?" asked Historia before taking a bite from her meal. 

"Captain Levi would like to thank you for your great kindness and hospitality but he and his squad would rather eat the military rations in the cafeteria." 

Historia frowned. "Tell Captain Levi that Eren personally asked me to give you that order and that he would be disrespecting his queen if he didn't follow the order." 

Bowing, she left the room, leaving Eren and Historia alone again to continue eating their meals. When they were finished eating, they left the table for Sarah to clean up. They headed back to Historia's office where they continued to do their specific duties, Eren receiving calls and different meeting papers and all while Historia checks and signs different papers. The two were silent for an hour, drowning in work when suddenly, a Garrison guard entered. 

"Your Majesty!" he said as he saluted in respect, "I have a letter for you from the harbor!" 

"A letter from who?" asked Historia, still looking at her other papers. 

"I think its a letter for Eren Yeager, from his brother..." said the Garrison, handing the paper to Eren, Historia's head bobbed up. 

"Thank you Sir, that will be all!" Historia said, giving the soldier a small tip. He bowed and immediately left the room. As soon as the room was quiet again, Historia headed to Eren's desk and sat on it. 

"So Eren, what does the letter say?" she asked as Eren was opening up the letter. As he began reading, his eyes widened and a smile grew on his face. 

"Eren... What is it?" asked Historia, obviously shocked of Eren's reaction. Eren handed the letter to Historia and she read the contents. 

To my Dear Brother, 

 It has been a year pass since we last saw each other and I am missing you very dearly. I know that you are definitely very worried about my welfare here back in Marley with that coup and all. 

However, I must break in with the good news, The coup was a success and I have successfully been named as the new King of Marley. I was able to persuade majority of the Marley army to rise up and bring down the Tybur regime, with the help of Theo Magath, the commander of the army. 

I was able to attack and eat the war hammer titan, adding another 13 years to the curse of Ymir. However, with this came some loss, I wasn't able to persuade most of the warriors, so Pieck (the Cart titan) had to eat Reiner Braun, who I believe was very close to you. It has also come to my knowledge that you're term is almost approaching and that you are in need of lengthening the curse of Ymir, I have in my possession,Porco Galliard, the current holder of the Jaw Titan. 

am still in the process of securing my power and grip on Marley and I hope to visit Paradis soon. 

Yours Truly, 
Zeke Yeager

"Eren, this is such amazing news!" said Historia, after reading the letter. 

"It is..." said Eren, getting the letter and heading out the door. 

Historia blushed at seeing Eren so happy. She hadn't seen a smile like that since they were trainees. His emerald eyes glittered like jewels in a cave. How she wished they were hers. Without thinking, in the heat of the moment, she pecked his lips. 

Eren blushed as he stared gaping at the queen. She covered her blush. "S-Sorry," she said. "I didn't know what came over me." 


"I-It just looks, I mean you look really cute when your happy!" replied Historia. 

Before Eren could reply, she gave him a small push towards the door. "Go on, you should tell your squad."  

He nodded and quickly left the room. That was an enigma, and Eren hated puzzles. 

Woop Woop Woop! Here you all go Chapter 7 of the Queen's Guard. Chapter 8 is in the making... Thank you all for reading the book and for giving me those stars, it really helps. I still await your comments... I do need them for advise and if you want to help in the plot, please don't hesitate to write, I sometimes have writers bloc and I need some new plots. Anyway, please follow me and Te Amo! 

- Nathan Polancos 

---Finished July 20, 2020--- 

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