Chapter 17

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Y: hey mom...

M: Bella!?

She pulls me into a hug

M: what are you doing here!

Y: Kiki kicked me out...

M: come sit

Ugh. She want to talk about it. All I want to do is crawl into a ball and disappear.

M: what happened

Y: I skipped school- and before you shout at me I had slot going on

M: did it have something to do with Vallyk?

Y: yes and no. If you don't mind I'd like to just unpack and sleep. It was a long drive.

She nods. I walk into my room and collapse on my bed. I already miss Jersey, why did I have to ruin everything. I fall asleep in a bad mood, beating myself up.

I wake up and don't feel the strength or motivation to get up. I pull out my phone and scroll through. My siblings burst into my room without asking of course. It was way more peaceful last night when they were all asleep. They ask me a bunch of questions but after a while I finally get them to leave. A couple minutes later my mon walks into the room. She sits on my bed and and reste her hand on my leg.

M: How are you doing baby?

I just shrug

M: you want to tell me the full story of what happened?

Y: not right now

She nods then walks out of my room without another word. I lay my head back and close my eyes. The rest of the day I stay in my room, in and out of sleep, only getting up when I have to pee.

For the next couple of weeks I do the same thing, stay in my room, sleep, barely eat. It was starting to take a tell on me. I look frail, and weak, and tired. Im so tired.

I wake up to the sound of door creaking open. Its one of my little sisters, Angel.

A: Mom said to bring you food cuz you need to eat. She says in her little voice.

I weakly smile at her.

Y: thanks you bear. Bear is our familles little nickname for her.

She hands a plate with a grilled cheese sandwich, my favorite. Before at least. I don't really feel like eating right now. I stare at Angel because she doesnt leave my room after she hands me the plate.

A: She said not to leave until you finish it

Of course she did. I force myself to eat the sandwich. I didnt want to but I know its for the best. I quickly eat my sandwich. Angel leaves with the plate.

I lay in my bed the rest of the day until dinner time comes around. My mom barges into my room with an angry look on her face.

M: Enough is enough. Ive given you plenty of time to mope around so your joining us AT the dinner table today

Y: But-

M: No buts. Get up.

I groan as she pulls me out of bed. I get changed out of my mere sports bra and underwear and into some sweatpants and a sweat-shirt and head downstairs. I get downstairs and the whole family is here, just like old times. My three sisters Angel, Sofia, and Isabela, and my brother Logan. My dans out of the picture. He supposedly left my mom when I was just a baby. All my siblings look surprised to see me out of bed.

It was nice to have dinner with my family and I really did miss them. But I was distracted, and my mom could see it. Dinner is over and we are both washing up when she confronts me.

M: You cant stay here...can you. At least not now.

Y: what do you mean?

M: I see you y/n. I see you hurting worse than Ive ever seen anyone before. And I think the only way for you to overcome that is to go back to New Jersey and fix whatever has been broken.

Y: Well Aunt Kiki kicked me out.

M: Ill talk to her trust me she'll come around

I hug my mom

Y: Hopefully

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