Chapter 36

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It's Monday again, which means school, unfortunately.

I make my way downstairs after getting ready for the day, fifteen minutes before I have to leave for school. Today would be the first time in a while that I'm driving to school with Vallyk.

I walk into the Kitchen to find a Kiki preparing breakfast.

Y: How do you do it?

K: do what?

Y: the cooking, you mind living with me when I'm older, I'll never get old of your meals.

She chuckled not taking her eyes off the sizzling bacon in the skillet.

K: Sorry but I have a new number one customer

Y: and who is that ?

As soon is I ask the question it hits me, she's talking about her new boyfriend. I answer my own question before she can get the chance to.

Y: Emanuel!? Wow that is low blow.

K: Shutup and eat.

I laugh at her remark. She scrapes the eggs and bacon off the pans with the many bamboo spoons she uses to cook with.

She sets the plates at the kitchen while I walk over to the fridge to get some orange juice.

For the remaining time me and Kiki converse while enjoying our breakfast.

Y: oh shoot! I gotta leave 5 minutes early to cuz I'm driving to school with Vallyk.

K: ok so you after school! Aren't you supposed to meet up with Ahiella today?

Y: yup I didn't forget.

I set my dishes in the sink then say my last goodbye before shutting the door behind me.

I quickly get into my car then start the engine, driving the 5 minutes to Vallyk's house.

Once I arrive I see that he's waiting in his car. I park my car on the curb near his house then get out of my car and into the passenger seat of his.

Y: Mornin

V: hey.

Y: Im glad everything is back to normal. It's been a while since we've ridden to school together. That's the second time I've said this.

V: Yea, because you left me hanging twice. That was torure you know?

Y: Im sorry and how many times are you going to bring that up.

V: As long as you live.

He pinches my nose while saying this to annoy me even more. I playfully slap his hand.

Y: So.. have you had enough time?

V: hm?

Y: you said you needed more time to figure out wether or not we should take our relationship further.

He paused for a few seconds before sighing a long, loud sigh.

V: the things you do to me y/n

Y: What do you mean.

V: I want to say no, to save myself. But- ughh

I turn over to him, my full attention on him.

Y: Vallyk, I'm sorry for what I did before. I was being dumb and made some bad decisions, but I loved you all the way through. And now I know that I want to be with you and no one else.

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