Chapter 45

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"..... I see Devyn ahead of me and that feeling of anger grows in me again."

My eyes turn cold as I spot her. I follow her all the way outside to the benches outside, and that's when I make my move.

Hey Devyn! She turn around and i punch right in the nose, causing her to fall back. I take my opportunity to climb on top of her and start throwing punch after punch. All of the anger and sadness of Vallyk and what I did to him, I let all these feelings out on Devyn. I didn't realize that she had been screaming until someone comes from behind me and pulls me off her.

I look around and realize that most of the kids in the lunchroom were now outside watching what I had done. I snap back into reality when I see Devyn on the ground, her face filled with blood. A bunch of people are taking pictures.

I try to get away from the scene, but the principal stops me.

My office, now! I roll my eyes and follow the teacher to her office                                                                                                                                              

                                  *      *      *

Want to tell me what happened? We're in her office, she's at her big office desk and I'm seated in a scrawny chair across from her. I can see her grow frustrated when I don't answer.

Look, I've worked with you at this school for many years, and I've never heard anything like this from you... what I'm saying is there must be a good reason for you pounding that girls face in the ground. So what happened?

I look down at my lap, still refusing to answer her question.

Alright, since you want to be stubborn we'll do this the hard way. Either you tell me what happened you tell me what happened or you get detention for the rest of the day AND  summer school.

I look up at the principal and she has a smirk on his face, knowing my response.

We got into an argument, so I hit her.

That its? How am I supposed to help you if you don't tell me anything.

Well maybe I dont need your help!.. look can I just go. I raise my voice a little while saying this which surprises me and the principal

I look back down at my lap, my face warming up.

Im gonna need you to sit outside, I'll have to meet with your parent or guardian before you can go.

I let out a deep sigh before picking my things up. I shut the door to the principal's office behind me and stand in the hallway, with my back against the wall.

I look to my side, stunned when I lock eyes with Vallyk across the hall. We both stand frozen, not breaking our stare. For I second, I have a sliver of hope that he will walk up to me, we could talk, and I could be with him once and for all. But of course.. that only happens in fantasies. He walks away, disappearing around the corner.

I my back down the wall and bury my face into my knees. Why is everything so hard. Why can't life be like the fairytales. Magic. Happy endings. I messed all that up with one stupid kiss. You don't notice how much you love someone until you lose them.

I stay in that same position until I hear footsteps approach me. I look up to see a worried Kiki.

Hey! What happened?

I dont want to talk about it. I immediately regret my response.

You are so lucky we are in a school right now. Ill talk to you when you get home!

I let out a groan of frustration. Sometimes I wish I could disappear.

I place my head to the door trying to hear what Kiki and Mrs Williams are talking about. I jump as the door opens.

Thank you so much for coming Mrs Azure for coming, unfortunately not the circumstances we meet.

Please, call me Kiki. I am so sorry about y/n she is not the type to do things like this, I assure you this will not happen again.

As soon as the principal office door closes Kiki's smile turns to a cold stare. I can tell shes mad because she doesnt say a word to me until we get home.

I was being nice before but now you really have to me whats going on. I know your not this type of person.

Nothing is going on. I walk away from her, trying to avoid the conversation.

Do not walk away from me ok! You would not just go around hitting people for no reason I know something is bothering you! She follows me up the stairs to my room.

I stop at the top of the stairs and turn to face Kiki Well maybe you dont know me as well as you think.

Maybe not, but what I do know is the that the blood on your knuckles belongs to Devyn. I feel my face heat up when I hear these words Vallyks ex right? Does it have something to do with him?

I turn to walk to my room without answering.

It is about Vallyk isnt it? She follows me into my room asking more questions, making me more frustrated.

I cheated on him ok! I kissed someone else and I- i.. My voice starts to tremble as I hold back my tears I ruined evrything and now the most imporant person in my life, someone Ive known forever... the love of my life, hates me. And this guilt.. is so suffocating I feel like dying.

I burst into sob and fall to my knees. Kiki runs to hold me in a tight embrace. She whispers comforting words into my ears to calm me down. But all I can think about is Vallyk and the sound of Kiki's voice starts fade away like the wind.

I dont know what I feel right now but I'm sure about one thing. I love Vallyk and I'll do anything to get him back. Whatever it takes.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, so sorry for the late update! I feel like some of the stuff I said was corny 😭 but Idrc. Pls comment your ideas on the style I wrote this chapter and wether or not I should continue like this.

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