Chapter 18

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My mom has been arguing with Kiki for a while now. I really hope she says yes. I wait outside the kitchen pacing and waiting for her answer. After an hour of arguing my mom finally hangs up the phone. I look at her desperately waiting for her answers.

M: So I just got off the phone with Kiki and she said-

Y: What! What did she say

M: She said... YES! she said yes

I shout in joy and jump on my mom. Mom matches my excitement  by jumping up and down with me. She stops jumping and sighs.

M: So. When are you leaving?

Y: I was thinking tomorrow

She looks sad to see me go so soon.

Y: I know I know. Ill be back soon to visit.

She nods but I can tell she still doesnt want me to go.

The next morning, Im up bright and early. I get in the shower and change into some jeans and a shirt. I run downstairs with my bags where my mom and siblings at waiting for me at the couch. They all have the same expression on their face. I hold out my arms gesturing them to give me a hug. I hug my three sisters and brother then lastly, my mom.

M: Will you at least call me when you get there?

Y: yes.

I hug my mom. She closes her eyes not wanting to let go.

Y: Mom. I gotta go.

I say my goodbyes to my family then hit the road. My emotions about going back Jersey are all over the place. I'm excited, nervous, angry, sad. But what I'm sure of is that I have to resolve my problems with Vallyk and Derek. Oh and Kiki, she probably hates me.

After a long 7 hours I arrive at aunt Kiki's house. I hesitate before knocking on her door. Kiki opens the door and smiles to my shock she smiles at me.

K: I'm sorry what for I did. I shouldn't have kicked you out when you still have a lot to take care of here in New Jersey.

Y: but I still shouldn't have skipped school I just had a lot of stuff going on and I didn't even mean to skip all my classes but I fell asleep like the idiot I am

K: your not an idiot ok, come here.

She pulls me into a long embrace. After talking on the porch for a while we go inside and I go upstairs to unpack. I'm immediately going back to school tomorrow so I head straight to sleep, exhausted after the drive.

The next morning I get up and early and hop in the shower. I get out and get into some black ripped jeans and a matching shirt. I get downstairs and meet Kiki in the kitchen. She decided to stay a little later so we could have breakfast together. She hands me a plate then sits with hers across the table from me.

K: So I'm guessing what happened had something to do with Vallyk or Derek

Y: yea.

K: And I'm also guessing that talking to them abt your feelings never happened

Y: yep.

Like I said Aunt Kiki could see right through me

K: well why don't you try again. The only way you can get past this feeling is to address the root cause. And I think you know exactly what that is. The question is what are you gonna do about it?

She's right! Today I have to confront my issues and talk to Derek and Vallyk. At least one of them.

Seems that me going back home for a couple weeks didn't just take a toll for me because when I arrive to school Derek is leaning on my locker. I quickly stop in the middle of the hallway which is a bad idea because the huge herd of students come crashing into me. I slowly walk up to my locker, Derek is making strong eye contact but I can't even look him in the eyes.

Y: uhh what are you doing at my locker..

I say this while looking down at my feet

D: why didn't you say goodbye

His question stuns me

Y: What.. I-I thought you were mad at me

D: well that didn't mean that I never want to see you again.

The bell rings

D: hey- I'd really like it if we could talk. Maybe I could stop by your house

Y: Uhh ok

After I've opened my locker and gotten everything I need I go to my first class. When I get there I make eye contact with Vallyk, exactly where he usually sits. He looks surprised to see me. When I did down I see him mouth suddenly open then close like he wanted to say something then changed his mind. I can't even remember the last time Vallyk and I hung out. The last time we were on good terms.

The rest of the school day is pretty normal. Went to all my classes, sat alone at lunch, and that's pretty much it. After school I drive home and do my homework. I can temporarily numb all the other things in my life by focusing on something else. Of course it doesn't last, when I hear a knock at the door. I know exactly who it is. I go downstairs and open the door. It's Derek.

D: hey

Y: hey

D: Can we go up to your room

Y: ok.

We go upstairs into my room. Derek sits on my bed .

D: After I left the diner I immediately regretted what I did so I tried to apologize but you had already left. And when I gathered enough courage to come see you Kiki said that you had went back home. It crushed me. And every day that you were gone it- it was hell. I know I messed up but please give me a second chance and you won't be disappointed.

I practically jump on bum and hug him tightly. I nod. At this moment I felt like I was on top of the world, and that our relationship had reached its peak. But clearly I was wrong. Very. Wrong.

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