Chapter 11

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                               Vallyk's POV
I brought Devyn to the creek. It's not as good as being here with y/n but at least I'm not alone. We're talking then she kisses me.

I kiss her back out of habit. We're cut off by a twig snap in the distance and then some bushes rustle.

D: what was that-

V: just stay here! I'll check it out

I start to run in the direction that I the person run into. Someones coming into view. I'm definitely faster so I'll be able to catch them. But I get closer to realize it's y/n! I can tell just by looking at her back.

V: Y/n? Is that you?

She stops running but doesn't turn around. Then she starts running again! What is she doing. I quickly catch up to her then grab her arm to see what's wrong. She still doesn't face me and tells me to fuck off which kinda hurt. Well it really hurt who am I kidding. She starts running again. I don't even bother following her. I just stand there in shock from what she just said to me, y/n is not the type to say something like that. Something must really be wrong.

Devyn runs up behind me.

D: who was it? Did you catch them?

V: uhh no I didn't see anything, it was prolly a squirrel or something

She shrugs

D: wanna get outta here. Now I feel kinda uncomfortable.

V: sure

While we're walking she slips her hand in mine. I drop her off at her house then head to mine. On my way home I pass by y/n house. I even stop at front and consider knocking but just decide to leave.

I arrive to my house and first thing I do is plop into my bed. All I can think about is y/n

I just wish I could tell her th-
A/n: oop better stop there before I say too much 😉
What y'all think he was about to say? Also sry for the short chapter I just wanted to try something new and do someone else's POV. Ik I'm supposed to update tmr but I wanted to update today too cuz it's New Years  🎉  well tmr will be the same day so I guess ill be paying twice in one day🥰

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