Chapter 19

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The next day I wake up feeling like I can get through anything. I get up and get ready for school. When I get downstairs Kiki can see my change in behavior. She smiles at me.

K: What's up with you?

Y: Nothing.

My lips spread into a wide grin while saying this

K: ok.. It's time to head out don't want to repeat what happened last time.

I roll my eyes at her comment, gather my things, the head out to the car. When arrive to school I don't see Derek which is weird because he usually is at my locker. I head to first class by myself. I wonder where Derek is. I sit down by Vallyk. Im back with Derek now so those feelings of Vallyk need to be pushed way down. A few minutes into class Vallyk turns to face me. I can tell he's had something on his mind that he wants to get out.

V: hey. I'm sorry for what I said before. Why don't we try the whole talk things over thing again.

Y: Sure. But am I too much of a bitch for that...

He rolls his eyes an turns away. I didn't mean that. But like I said I need to push my feeling for Vallyk away and the best way to do that is to keep my distance.

I finally see Derek when lunch time comes around.

Y: hey! Where were you?

D:oh uh I slept in sorry

Y: oh ok

huh. He never sleeps in, he even told me that he was an early bird. After lunch Derek disappears again. I walk to my car by myself. I call Kobe and Mike to meet at the diner as discussed.

* The Diner*

I greet Mike and Kobe with a hug

K: How are you?

Y: Im good how about you guys

M: You have no idea how happy we are to have you back

Y: Glad to be back.

K: So that's happened since you got back.

Y: Well I've gotten back with Derek so...

I smile so hard while saying this. My smile quickly disappears when I see their reactions

Y: Whats wrong...

K: nothing. We're really happy for you guys.

Y: Kobe... what's wrong.

Kobe and Mike look at eachother which causes me to panic.

Y: Guys whats going on. Is it about Derek?

Neither of them answer me

Y: Well since no one wants to tell me anything Im gonna go.

K: Y/n-

Y: No! I thought you guys were my friends but I guess I was wrong.

I storm out of the diner, for the second time. Both because of Derek. I dont know whats going on with him. But I'm determined to find out.
Sorry for the short chapter but enjoy 💕

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