Chapter 28

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It's been a few days since the fight with Vallyk and neither him or Kenny are talking to me. Every single time something good happens to me, something always gets in the way. The winter formal dance is only a week away and I have no one to take to the dance. Just waiting on my miracle when everything works out.

I get to school and see Kenny in the hallway. I quickly turn the other direction not wanting to run into him.

Once the coast is clear I turn back around to get to my locker to get my stuff for my first class. As soon as I walk into class me and Vallyk make eye contact. I sit next to him, instead of waiting like last time I should just cut to the chase and talk to him. I whisper to him

Y: Vallyk, I'm sorry I don't want to fight anymore can you please just talk to me.

He whispers back to me

V: I don't want to either but I don't know if I can take our relationship any further if I know you have feelings for another dude

I whisper back to him when more anger in my voice

Y: Well I don't like how you ask me to change my feelings as if it's that easy.

I love Vallyk but he's being very selfish and insensitive which is very stessful and annoying to me. I give up on trying to talk to him and lean back away from him and face the front of the class.

Throughout the whole class all I wanted to do was turn to Vallyk and talk to him and tell him how much I love him and that all I want is for him to be in my life forever, but intstead I ignore him which probably makes things worse.

After class ends Vallyk quickly walks out without looking back which makes my heart break. Just when things were starting to get better. To make things worse, I have to sit in a class with Kenny for 85 minutes.

I get to second period and Kenny is already sitting in class. I awkwardly sit down next to him and try to keep my attention on the teacher. But her voice gets blurred out as all I can focus on is the fact that Kenny is sitting next to me.

All I want to do is to tell him that I do like him but I just need some time to figure out my feelings and I hope that we can be friends either way, but once again all I do is face the front of the class and ignore him.

*Time skip*
Lunch comes around and I'm sitting by myself once again. I look around the lunchroom at all the people having conversations at full tables making me miss the company of Vallyk. And Kenny.

I grunt in anger under my breath, scowling myself for making things worse. Why do I have the tendency to have feelings for two people at a time! Just like with Derek and Vallyk I'm gonna be losing a lot, mostly relationships that I cherish most, and it's all because of me.

After lunch is over I walk over to the main building in a bad mood from sitting alone at lunch.

I see Kenny a few times in the hallway throughout the school day but just avoid him.

The bell to my last class of the day ends and so I go to my locker to get my stuff.

As soon as I get home, you can probably guess what I do:

Pull out my sketchbook(comment if you were right lol)

The first thing I draw is a girl bending down and a huge cloud hanging over her like a balloon, because that's how I feel right now. (Her style of drawing is in black and white btw)

I mutter to myself

Y: I can't do this anymore

I quickly put my sketchbook in my drawer, grab my keys and walk outside to my car. I quickly put my keys in and start the car.

I arrive and shut my door. I walk up to the side of the window, and climb up the ladder to Vallyk's room. He's taking a nap.

I bang on the window, causing him to shoot up out of bed shouting. He looks over to me and I signal for him to let me in. He's reluctant to open the widow but does it anyway.

V: What

Y: I just have some things to set straight with you. For 1 I'm not fully over Kenny and I know you don't like it but I can't control my feelings just like that because you tell me too, and I don't like how your forcing me to do that. And I bet that you haven't even spoken to Devyn about anything yet, you hypocrite! So until I figure out my feelings romantically, we've been friends long before this so that's what we will stay until further notice.

With that, I climb back down the ladder without another word. I can picture Vallyk standing the middle of his room dumbfounded. I'm really happy with myself for facing my issues and being firm instead of trying to hide my feelings for other peoples sake.

When I get home I'm surprised to see that Kiki's not home yet. Now that I think of it she wasn't Hom's those whole time. I was so focused on going to Vallyk's house I didn't realize she wasn't here.

After two hours of waiting the front door opens revealing Kiki with a huge smile on her face. Now it's my turn to be the adult and do the turning on the lights thing in a chair from the movies.(ifykyk)

Y: where were you?

K: oh um I was out...

"Out", getting home late, smells of a little alcohol, Kiki was on a date!

I smile realizing what's going on.

Y: just go get some sleep.

I say this laughing

She walks upstairs and I have to help her because she loses her balance.

Once I put her into bed I go to mine, get ready and plop into bed. I fall asleep smiling with Vallyk and Kenny and all my relationship problems out of my mind.

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