Chapter 39

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I awake to the loud sound of my alarm, at usual 6 am.

I get into the shower, do the rest of my routine, and get dressed including some lashes and lip gloss.

I walk downstairs, I can hear Kiki on the phone with Emanuel from her room.

I make myself some eggs and bacon, and some oj.

Kiki still upstairs talking on the phone, so I just leave the house. I drive to Vallyk's house and then and get out of my car and into his, as usual.

I smile when Vallyk leans over to kiss me.

V: How'd you sleep?

Y: Good, you?

V: pretty good, just couldn't get you off my mind.

I roll my eyes playfully, as Vallyk pulls off.

The rest of the car ride me and Vallyk just talk, and I'm falling for him more and more every second I'm with him. (🥰)


15 minutes later we arrive at school. We walk into the building and hug before we go our seperate ways to our lockers. I put in the combination to my locker, surprised by the tap on my shoulder. Im even more stunned by who I see in front of me. Kenny.

Y: Oh... hey Kenny.

K: hey, we have a couple minutes before class, could we talk for a minute.

Y: sure.

I follow him out the lunch benches where he sits.

K: Im sorry for how I left you at the party, I was just upset that you saw me as a fragile and could break easy.. thats why I didnt want to tell you. You know, I couldve taken it if you chose Vallyk.

Y: I know, and Im sorry, just when you told me being with you made me happy I freaked. Im sorry for what I did.

K: All is forgiven, Ive realized that Id rather be friends with you then not have you at all. Friends?

My lips spread into a wide smile.

Y: Friends.

We lean in sync to give eachother a hug.

Y: I gotta get to class, should start any minute.

We part ways, rushing to our first period classes.


Vallyk looks relieved to see me walk into class. He whippets over to me once i sit down.

V: Where were you?

Y: I solved things with Kenny.

V:oh.. well just let em know your mine.

I laugh at his remark.

*Im too lazy to write the rest of school so yea ima skip*

Im sitting on my bed, working on a sketch when I get a knock at my window, we both know who it is.

I open the window for Vallyk.

V: Hey, got any plans tonight?

Y: No, why.

V: Brandon Thompson is having a party at his house, the whole school is going, wanna go with me?

Y: Umm well I dont really have good history with parties(iykyk)

V: Pleasee!! Mike and Kobe were asking me to go. This will be good for us to go out and have fun. please, for me.

Of course he pulls the pupppy dog eyes.

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