Chapter 29

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*Five days until the dance*

The sound of a ding of my alarm at the usual 6:30 am. I hop In the shower along with all my other morning routine stuff.

I walk downstairs remebering the events from last night. I have to ask her about it.

Y: Soo... What happened last night

Her cheeks flush when I ask her.

K: shutup and go to school

I give her a look, letting her know I won't leave her alone until she gives me details.

K: Fine, I'll tell you when you get back from school

Y: But that's so long from now

I pout

After I see that she won't budge I roll my eyes and grab my book bag on my way out.

Y: Bye Kiki!

K: Bye-

Her voice cuts off as I close the front door shut. I get Into my car and start the engine. I get to school, talking to Kenny like I did with Vallyk the previous night.

I walk up to Kenny's locker and slam his locker shut. He looks at me with a shocked expression on his face.

Y: Sorry that was unnecessary...- but we need to talk.

The long pause after my questions starts to make me worry

K: okay..

Y: somewhere private?

He nods so we both walk outside with 10 minutes to spare before class.

K: What did you want to talk about?

Y: ok, I know that me having feelings for Vallyk upset you, I just wanted to be honest would've been much better than not telling you at all. But you have to understand that I've had feelings for Vallyk since we were kids. And lately I've been doing a lot of things for other people, now I think I need to do something for me. So all I need from you is time... that's it.

K: Ok— I'm sorry for stressing you out. I was just afraid of losing you. Well, I still can... if you choose Vallyk

That word... choose. I've been hearing it a lot lately and I've grown to loath it. Sometimes I wish I could get away from everyone, all these boy problems. But I know now that waiting isn't doing anyone a favor.

Y: let's not think of it as choosing... more like- I don't know. Buys please don't think of it that way.

K: ok fine.

After talking for a couple minutes more we head inside and go our separate ways to first period class

I walk into class greeted by Vallyk with a smile

V: hey.

Y: hey.

V: So, I took into account what you said yesterday. And your right, I shouldn't have forced you to choose-

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