Chapter 42

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My eyes flutter open, waking up to my alarm. I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling for a couple seconds before getting up. I slide my clothes off before getting in the shower. Then, I do the rest of my morning routine.

Once I'm ready I walk down the stairs to the kitchen where I see Kiki sitting down with her breakfast. I make myself some cereal before sitting down across from her at the dining table.

K: morning, how'd you sleep?

Y: morning, and good.

K: Well, I've got some news.

I look up from my bowl.

Y: What's up.

K: So me and Emanuel have been discussing this for a while now that we're serious, I'm thinking maybe we could move in with them.

I stare at her in confusion.

Y: what.

K: Is that a bad thing?

Y: I mean yea kinda.

K: And why is that?

Because that would mean I have to see Derek a lot more.

Y: well, you don't know you'll stay with him, you don't really have the best luck considering your past relationships. Don't you think you should wait?

K: Considering my past relationships?..

The room falls silent.

K: You should go, it's almost time for school.

I couldn't agree more. I walk by the stairs to pick up my backpack and walk out the door, closing it behind my back,


I arrive at Vallyk's house and park my car by the curb as usual. I duck into the passenger seat and give Vallyk a kiss on the cheek.

Y: hey.

V: hey.

I look down up my fidgeting fingers, contemplating whether I should tell him or not.

Y: I have something to tell you.

He looks over at me.

V: what is it?

Y: Kiki's thinking of moving into her boyfriends house... Dereks house.

V: what.

He has a serious expression on his face.

Y: I know, I don't want to either.

The rest of the car ride to school is silent, only sound coming from the rumble of the car.

When we arrive at school, Vallyks parks and turns to face me.

V: sorry, that took me a few minutes to process. Just, that picture is all I can think about.

I rest my hand on his.

Y: I promise you, nothing happened.

Another lie.

He nods, squeezing my hand.

We walk into the school the school, he waves as we part ways to our locker.

I put in the combination to my locker and gather all my stuff for my first class.

(I'm too lazy to write first period plus I don't really know what to write so I'm just gonna say that she talks to Kenny and yea. I feel like we barely hear from Kenny, but his not really the focus right now so sorry for that.

* * *

The bell rings and everyone rushes to the lunch room. I go to my locker to put all of my stuff in my locker before I go to lunch.

By the time I put all my stuff back the halls are completely empty. Well, not completely. I hear a familiar voice behind me.

D: hey.

Y: What are you still doing here.

he creeps his hands on my waist without answering.

Y: I told you I'm not doing this anymore.

D: just follow me.

He takes my hand in his and walks me in to the vacant gym, and under the bleachers.

Y: Derek what are you doing-

he shushes me

D: Just relax.

He leans into me, my heart rate starts to quicken. 

Our lips meet once again, butterflies in my stomach are so prominent I feel like I could explode.

He deepens the kiss after seeing my reaction. He slides his tongue into mine, cupping his hands on my cheeks. 

I sink into the kiss, but then it hits me, Vallyk is waiting for me at lunch.

I quickly break the kiss, and look up at Derek while catching my breath. He looks back at me, doing the same.

Y: I have to go.

I run out from under the bleachers, close to tears. I don't know what's wrong with me. I should hate Derek, but there's just something about him that I can't avoid. That's what drew me to him in the first place.

The only problem is...

I walk into the lunchroom and make eye contact with him. Vallyk.

He looks back at me with an upset look on his face.

V: Where were you?

Y: Oh I just had a social studies project I wanted to spend a little extra time on.

He nods.

V: Can we talk, outside.

Y: ok.

I follow him outside to the garden by the lunchyard. 

V: You're hiding something from me.

Y: What.. no i'm not I say with a phony scoff

V: Yes you are. You've been acting weird ever the past few days. 

I have to come up with something and quick.

Y: well Kiki told me about moving a few days ago and I just felt guilty for how you'd feel..

V: oh, well why didn't you just tell me-

his phone rings.

V: hold on.

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks at his screen. His face changes into a cold look, then looks up at me.

Y: What is it?

V: You promised. 

he shakes his head and quickly walks away from me.

Y: Wait- Vallyk wait!

What happened? He was fine seconds ago. My thoughts are interrupted by a ring in my jacket pocket. I pull my phone out, and my heart drops. A  picture of me and Derek kissing has been emailed to the whole school!


This is to makeup for my horrible updating schedule. Any thoughts? 

ps who do yall think took the pics?

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