Chapter 48

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Hey it's also because I miss you. It's been really hard to mad at you, especially when your the person I want to be around most'... Hope that we could be happy together. The happily ever after I've been wishing for.

Vallyk's hand is still on mine and he's smiling at me, I start to feel a familiar feeling growing in my abdomen.

I snap out of my thoughts when Vallyk clears his throat and moves his hand from mine. "Well, I should go, I told my mom I wouldn't be gone for long," He says, sliding out of the booth.

"yea yea, I should go too." I say dully, wanting to stay there, just the two of us, for a little while longer.

Vallyk gives me a tight hug, resting his chin on top of my head before saying "I'm really glad we're friends again"-

Friends again.. well there goes the little shred of hope I had left.

Vallyk breaks from our embrace and grabs my shoulders looking into my eyes

-" Can we keep it this way? Is there anything else that your hiding from me the I should know about?"

That I'm in love with you.

"No, nothing else," I say with my lips spread into a smile.

"Good. Ok I should really get going, see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yea, see you tomorrow," I wave before exiting the  diner and walking back to my car.

I lay my head back against the car seat in thought. Vallyk said we're friends but he couldn't have gotten over me that quick there's no way. I know he still has feelings for me, I just have to remind him of them, somehow...

                                  *        *        *
My eyes flutter open, I look around at the still room before me. I sit up in bed, still groggy from sleep, and stretch before finally getting out of the bed.


I walk downstairs ready for school, Kiki is sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee.

"Hey, you mind making breakfast for yourself, I have somewhere to go in few minutes" She says, quickly trying to engulf her beverage. 

"Yea that's fine," I shrug "Where are you going?"

"Nowhere important" She places her cup in the sink " I gotta go, have fun at school baby!"

With that she rushes past me and out of the house, closing the front door behind her.

I shrug and open the pantry door, browsing it's contents for something to eat.

A few moments later I decide to go simple and grab a box of cereal. I poor in the cereal then milk and sit down at the dining table to eat.


I drink the last bit of milk in the bowl and place it in the sink before grabbing my bookbag and swinging it over my shoulder.

I walk out of the house, locking the door behind me, and down the driveway to my car. I hop into the car, already getting excited at the thought of seeing Vallyk again.

I pull out of the driveway and make my way to Vallyk's house. I bring the car to a halt in front of Vallyks house.

My lips spread into a smile when my eyes land on him sitting in his car. I get out of my car and knock on the window of the passenger seat of his car. He unlocks the door for me.

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