Chapter 20

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It's the weekend again, if been looking for sources, people that can tell me what happened with Derek. I've tried to beg Kobe and Mike but no one will tell me anything. The only other person I know that would have an idea is Vallyk and I definitely am not talking to him. So I guess I have to find it out for myself. Since it's the weekend and I don't have school it will be a lot easier.

I wake up early with a mission. I get ready quick and wave to Kiki on my way out. So step one is to find sources. I sit in my car scrolling through our mutual friends on Instagram. As I scroll through the accounts one of them catches my eye. The blonde girl from the party! That's a great start? I think her name was Cassie or something like that. I go onto her account and send her a dm introducing myself and how we know each other. I drive to to the diner to pass time while I wait for an answer. I order my usual, cheeseburger with French fries, and sit down at a booth. As I'm biting into one of my fries my phone pings. It's Cassie!

Hi! This is y/n don't know if you remember me from that party during summer break.

                                                               Cassie Stephens
         Hey! Yea I remember you. How are you doing?

I'm doing great and I hope you are too. Look, I have something really important to ask you.

                                                                   Cassie Stephens
                                                                  Ok what is it?

It's about Derek.

What! She's not answering but she's read it. Why is no one telling me anything! I've hit a dead end. I'll just have to find another way around. Where to start?

I finish my food then slap my bill onto the table. I drive home them get on my phone looking for more clues.


After hours of looking for more leads I can't find anything. I'm gonna have to revert back to my first option. Not long after I find myself at Mikes house. He opens the door then tries to close it on me because he knows exactly what I'm at his house for. I push through the door.

M: Nope! I'm not saying anything

Y: come on! Please!

M: I can't okay I promised that I wouldn't

Y: So it's that serious? Look if your the friend I think you are you would tell me. And don't even think about being up bro code.

I stare into his eyes letting him no I won't give up until he tells me.

M: ugh fine. Your gonna need to sit down for this.

These words worry me. I follow him to a couch near the door area.

M: So after you left... Derek was a mess. He was partying and getting drunk. The worst thing was he started sleeping with this girl. They've been together for the past couple of weeks. When you told us you guys were back together they were still associating with each other. So-

Y: Oh hell no! Say no more

I quickly get up from the couch and burst out his front door.

M: where are you going!

Y: Im going to talk to that peace of shit Derek!

M: No no! You can't tell him I told you

Y: Dont worry I won't.

And with that I get into my car and drive off to Dereks house. I can't believe he would do that me to me, and that girl she probably didn't know either.

I arrive to his house and angrily knock on his door. He answers it.

Y: what the fuck Derek

D: what do you mean

Y: The girl you were with when you asked me out

D: fuck... did Kobe tell you!

Y: It doesn't matter who told me!! Why would you do that

D: ok look, I was going to end it.

Y: oh so it's still going on?

He doesn't answer.

Y: why would you get back together with me if your still with someone else?

D: Because I still want you. Why can't I have both.

Y: so you cheat on me and now your asking for an open relationship??

D: it's not cheating because we weren't together

Y: oh you-

I hear stuff clutter upstairs.

Y: is she here!

D: No y/n-

I push through Derek and run up the stairs to his room. I'm stunned by what I see before me. A half naked Cassie pulling on her pants. It was Cassie all along! That's why she didn't answer me.

I turn to Derek, tears filling my eyes.

Y: what the fuck! The blonde bitch from the party? You could do better than that

C: excuse me? Now I see why you cheated on her

I swing on her, my fist hitting her in the chin. She falls back

Y: fuck you bitch your lucky I don't-

Derek lifts me down the stairs trying to calm me down.

Y: get the fuck off me! I can't believe I gave you a second chance. You get mad at me for having a friend over yet your fucking someone behind my back.

D: Y/n I-

Y: No fuck you! We're done, never talk to me ever again!

D: Look your not innocent either ok! I know you were with me as a distraction from Vallyk. I thought that if you got to know me you'd forget about that because I wanted to be with you, I still do. But it's clear that your not over Vallyk.

Y: yea well I didn't go sleeping with random people. And I'm not into Vallyk he's my best friend you dick. Maybe you'd see that if you weren't such a selfish prick!

I run out of his house, tears streaming down my face.  I cry all the way home and into Kiki's arms when she sees me.

K: hey what happened what's wrong

I'm still crying so hard I can't answer. I keep thinking of what Derek said. I've been running from that reality for a long time now but deep down I know he's right. Difference is I'm done with Vallyk now, and I'm definitely done with Derek.
Phew that was a lot- anyways enjoy 💕

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