Chapter 24

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I wake up the next morning to my alarm at 6 am at usual. I hop into the shower then, do my hygiene, and get dressed into some sweatpants and a crop top . Lastly, I do my makeup then head downstairs for breakfast.

I get downstairs and Kiki has already prepared breakfast. Toast, eggs, and sausages.

After I finish my breakfast I still have time before I have to leave which is what I wanted to avoid.

K: so any updates on your new boyfriend
( I just realized Kiki and Kenny are both K so Kenny will be Ke to not confuse things)

Y: first off boy-friend with a space in between, a friend that is a boy. And there are no updates needed because that's exactly what he is, a friend that happens to be a boy. Oh anyways look at the time I have to go to school Bye!!

I quickly run out of the house and into my car to head to school. I get to school and find Kenny waiting at my locker. That's new. But I like it.

K: hey.

Y: hey.

K: Just wanted to walk you to your first class

These words make my heart soar. We walk to my first period class, then I end up having to walk him to his class because he forgets where his class is, which makes me laugh.

Vallyk still sits by me in class but I don't even acknowledge him because all I can think of is seeing Kenny in the next class. Which is bad REALLY bad, but I can't help but feel that way.

When the bell finally rings I rush out of class to meet him. As soon as we make eye contact the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

Y: hey

That's really all I can say?? Ugh great now I care what I say in front of him.

K: Hey. So want to walk to second period with me.

Y: is that even a question

We both laugh then head to class together. Me and Kenny talk so much during class that we don't get any work done and end up getting in trouble with the teacher. At lunch we end up talking about this and laughing over it.

Y: Look at you being a bad influence on me

I was saying this as a joke

K: Hey your the one who started talking to me first

The rest of our conversation at lunch flows naturally, more than it ever did with Derek. Once again, our conversation is cut short by the bell.

We walk back to the main building together, and part ways to our classes. Its hurts me to see him walk away, even just going to a different class. This is getting out of hand. My feeling are inevitable.

*Time skip*

The bell to my last class rings, school is finally over. Means I can see Kenny again.

I go to my locker to getting my things when Kenny walks up to me, and what he says shocks me.

K: Hey, I have something to ask you.

Y: ok

K: So.. I like you. And I want to go on a date, a real. I know we'e only known eachother for a week but I know what I want.

Y: what..

Of course I wanted to go with him but I was so surprised by what he said I couldn't answer.

K: Look I know you feel it to, will you just think about it.

Y: Well I've thought and my answer is a yes.

K: Wait really!

Y: yes. I feel it too but, the last time i got into a relationship quick it did not end well at all.


Y: so whats your idea of a perfect date.

K: Maybe dinner, I like to have a good conversation with someone, get to know them. In my opinion going to the movies is a horrible first date.

Y: I agree one hundred percent. There's a nice restaurant near center city mall, why don't we meet there at 8.

K: Sounds like a plan.

I stare at him smiling, then rush to my car already thinking about what I'm going to wear. But then it hits me, I have one problem. Kiki! what am I going to tell her. If she sees me wearing nice attire of course she's gonna know, and i recently told her about kenny she'l definitely connect the dots. I'll just have to get past her and make sure she doesn't see me.

I get arrive home on a mission for Aunt Kiki not to see me. I try to steak past her, maybe it will be better if she doesn't see me at all.

K: Hey what are you doing.

Y: Just going upstairs, have a lot of homework to do, I might even be up there all day.

K: Ok...

I quickly run upstairs. At first I do work on my homework, but when the clock hits 6 I jump up to get reay for my date. I CANT BELIEVE IM GOING ON A DATE

I freshen up by getting in the shower, skincare, hair, then makeup. Lastly, time for the outfit. I pick out a tight red dress that stops right above my kneecaps. It hugs evey curve of my body. Hopefully this isn't too much.

When I start to worry how I'm going to get out without Kiki seeing me, Vallyk pops into my head, vallyk used to come in and out my window. I'll use my window to get out without Kiki seeing me! I'll make sure to get back before she gets too suspicious.

I do exactly what I'd planned in my head. I climb out through my window, then get into my car to  head to the restaurant. Once I arrive I go to the woman at the front of the building to get seats. (Woman=W)

Y: hello, someone else will be joining me shortly, so could I have a table for two please.

W: sorry ma'am but a lot of people are waiting on others, so that we don't get confused maybe it would be better for you to wait outside, if that's ok.

Y: Alright, that's fine with me.

I go back outside to wait for Kenny's car to pull up.

10 minutes pass, then 20, then 30, and Kenny still hasn't showed up. I pull out my phone to text him where he is. No answer. After another 20 minutes I decide to cancel and walk back to my car with so many emotions. Anger, sadness, I can't believe he didm't show up, he was the one that asked me on a date! But maybe something happened, that's probably why he didm't respond to his messages.

When I get home my mind is so preocuppied by Kenny that I totally forgot that I snuck out the window for a reason and enter the house through the front door.

K: Who's there!- y/n? When did you leave the house? And what are you wearing!

Y: Can you please save the shouting for later, I just got stood up.

K: Guessing you went on a date with your "new friend" see you need to listen to me more often

Y: Your right Im so hard headed, but I really thought he was different he seemed so nice. But I still don't know why he didn't show up, I'll just ask him tomorrow.

K: Since you've had a long night I'll leave you alone.. for now. Go get some sleep.

Y: Ok goodnight.

I hug Kiki then I head upstairs, to go to bed a little earlier today. Which doesn't do me any good because all I can think about is why Kenny didn't show. After hours of laying restless, staring at the ceiling, I finally fall asleep. Wondering what tomorrow will bring me.

Undecided|| Vallyk or Derek??Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon