-Chapter Twenty-Three-

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(Didn't proof read)

That night you try your best to do your homework, but your mind always wandered to the twins. You had to pick one. They both love you with all their heart and one of them will be heart broken in twenty-four hours. You didn't want to go up to the astronomy tower, or tell the redheads which one you wanted more.

"Gosh, Angie, I- I know who I want, but I don't want to hurt the other! I mean, will it ruin my relasionship with (twin you're not picking)?" You were pacing back and forth, your mind full of thoughts.

"So you are picking (twin you're choosing)! I always felt you guys had a really good connection. Better than your one with (twin your not picking)."

"Sorry but this isn't helping." You say, flopping ontoyour bed beside the Gryffindor girl.

As soon as your head hit the pillow, some sort of rush came throught your mind. Maybe telling the twins earlier would help you not be so worried all throughout tomorrow. You knew which twin you wanted. He was the one that always made you feel like the main character when you were around him. (Twin your not choosing) was always such a gentleman and he cared for you incredibly, but he wasn't the one.

"I'm going to tell the boys right now." You say, sitting up quickly.

"What?! What if your not one hundred percent sure and your choosing the wrong one?" She looked at you like you were making the worst decision of your life.

"I can't wait any longer! It's going to kill me having to sit in class with the both of them tomorrow, giving me looks like 'choose me please'. I love them both, you know that. It's just... I love (twin your choosing) in a more than friend way."

You hop off the edge of the bed and run to the door of Angelina's dorm, trying to swing it open but Angelina's voice stops you.

"I'm sorry. I care about you and I want you to make the right decision."

It was true. Angie was always there for you when something happened. She was there for you always. She was one of your best friends and she only wanted the best for you.

"Thanks for always being there, Angie." You turn around and you walk up to each other. You wrap your arms around her and giggle.

This is someone I can always count on.


You knock your knuckles on the door four times and take a deep breath. You could hear shuffling around then footsteps coming to the door. Watching the doorknob jiggle was like slow motion. It was really happening.

Fred opened the door and you looked past him to see George lying on his bed.

"Hi. Um- can I come in?" You ask, looking down.

"I would usually say yes, but why?"

"I know we're all on rocks about this 'choosing a twin' thing, but I've made my desicion and i'd like to tell you and George." You make your voice loud enought for the other twin to hear inside the bedroom.

Fred didn't say a word but opened the door even more and ushered you inside.

George was on his bed facing Fred's bed. They had clearly been talking, what they were talking about was pretty obvious.

Fred takes a seat on his bed and George sits up on his four-poster. You simply stand in the middle of the room, facing them. When you were nervous you play with your hands and both the twins knew this.

"Nervous?" George asks, nodding towards your hands.

"I think we all are, Mate." The other twin says, gulping. "Um, Y/N? Can me and George say somethings before you tell us?"


You take a seat on the edge of Lee Jordan's bed.

Bloody hell, this is going to be scary.

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