-Chapter Twenty-Four-

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Enjoy this lovely meme I found ❤️

The twins notice you taking deep breaths and Fred says, "Y/N, take your time." Him saying that makes everything better.

"I understand this is hard." George said, giving you a warm smile.

"You guys care about me so much. Thank you both for everything you've done for me. You both are my world and I'm so glad I have four shoulders to cry on." You say, looking from one twin to the other.

The last part makes the boys giggle but it makes you feel the need to cry. Just then, tears spill from the corner of your eyes and the twins have worried looks on their faces.

"Y/N! Don't cry. I hate it when you cry." George said getting up and running to you. Fred did the same. They sit on either side of you and give you a bone-crushing side hug.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked, concerned for you.

Between sniffles you manage to say, "I love you both more than you can imagine and now I need to choose one of you over the other. I know who I want but I don't want to hurt the other." You cry.

"Oh, Y/N! Whoever you don't pick will understand!" Fred enthuses, rubbing circles on your back while George grabbed your hand and squeezes it once, the four times, then three times, long pauses in between. You knew what this meant.

One squeeze for i.

Four squeezes for love.

Three for you.

You look lovingly up into George's eyes while Fred rambled on about how lucky the twins were to have met you and how he will be eventually okay if he isn't chosen. The younger twin smiles at you and you grin back. His smile blocked out everything else around you. Fred didn't seem to notice you not paying attention because he was still talking as if you were listening.

"- and that's why me and George will be sad if we aren't chosen, but we'll respect your decision. You deserve the world and both of us can give you that."

You try and stand up to let the redheads know you wanted to get up. Fred took his arm back and George took his hand back.

Deep breath, Y/N.

You stand in front of the two sitting boys and spin on your heels to face them. 

"I'm going to make this quick," You tell them, trying to stay calm. "But first, you need to promise me this won't ruin your relationship together, or my friendship with the twin I don't pick."

The both nod and shake hands dramatically.

This your last chance to think before everything changes.

The two gingers were on the edges of their seats, internally hoping and praying it was them. The boys loved each other very much and would always be best friends.

"The twin that I'm I love more than a friend is.." You take two deep breaths, trying to make them quick so the boys didn't have to wait to long.

Well this is intense.

Now for the rest of the story your going to have to do some really good visualizing.

"(Twin your picking)." You say, looking at him.

He jumps up and run to you and it feels like slo-motion. A wave of relief crashes over you.

"Really?!" He smiles at you wrapping you in a hug. "I didn't think I was going to be picked!"

The opposite twin sat on the Lee's four-poster and nodded his head while looking at the ground.

"I happy for you both but um- I think I'm going to go on a quick walk." He got up from the bed and strides over to the door.

"(Georgie or Freddie), that's completely fine, I understand."

You let go of (twin you chose) and rush over to (twin you didn't choose). You try and pull him in awkwardly but he steps back, says nothing and leaves.

He clearly saw the heart-broken look on your face one he dodged your hug. The remaining twin silently came up behind you and put a loving hand on your shoulder.

"He'll be okay."

You nod, hoping (twin you chose) was right.


"So what's the plan? Are we going to start dating right away? You know, boyfriend and girlfriend type thing? Or do we just go on more dates until one asks the other?" You ask (twin you chose).

The two of you were lying on his bed now, talking about how this was all going to work out.

"Oh, and what about telling everyone? Angie definitely already kn-."


She just kept talking and talking about things we could talk about at any other time. Isn't she relieved that she finally got to tell me? That we can be together after all these years?

But I get it. She's upset about (twin you didn't pick). I mean, if I was the one not getting chosen, I would need some time to calm down but declining her hug like that? That was a shit move.

"Oh, and what about telling everyone? Angie definitely already kn-." She tried to finish her sentence but I cut her off with a kiss.

At first she was taken aback, for a reason I don't know, but after she seemed so comfortable.

I feel bad for my twin, but being the winner feels amazing. Especially because I got Y/N.

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