Chapter 001

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Good morning class!"

"Good morning, Mr. Smith." The whole class chants. Our art teacher, Erwin Smith, or as we refer to him, 'Bushy Brows', who is a very tall man with a beautiful blonde tint to his hair. His blue eyes shone with authority and a wise lingered in his pupils that made people respect him. I never understood it. He stood next to a short guy who's hair was a jet black. Somehow, the guys bluish-silverish iris pierced into everyone's soul, making them tremble. His eyes were half lidded and his face seemed to always be in a scowl, as if everything made him want to throw up. He seemed so unamused.

"Everyone, this is Levi Ackerman, he will be attending our art class for the rest of the year." Everyone mumbles out a hello, including me, before Mr. Smith continued. "Levi, that's Y/N:" he said pointing to me, "They're by far the best artist in this class. If you have any questions, please ask Y/N, they'll be glad to help you."

The boy nods his head and sits down next to me in the empty seat. I look over at him, a blush spreading across my soft cheeks. Shit, he was way hotter than I expected. I put my hand out so that he could shake it. "Y/N L/N, nice to meet you!"

He looks at me and then my hand, letting out a 'Tch' sound and looking away, denying the courteous gesture. I huff through my nose, still fixing a polite smile on my face, being quite awkward as well. I set my hand down and fiddle my fingers. I watched him look around, confused almost. All of us had our supplies and canvases, except for him, which I guess was looking for the things we had. I tap on his shoulder, seeing him flinch.

"Um..the canvases are over there..." I point to the corner near the small stage, which was about three inches high, and look back at him with a small smile. He gets up without a word, making my heart drop. Not even a thank you? He comes back and sets the canvas down on the easel. I decide to just leave him alone. He was making it quite clear he wanted nothing to do with me. I turn to my canvas as Mr. Smith starts to talk about what we're painting. We were supposed to paint something we found interesting, or beautiful, and turn it into an abstract painting.

Fuck. I'm going to fail this grade. I'm not a very creative person, I can't come up with ideas. The only thing I can really do is copy off of things. That's how I became so good and it just...I don't know...became a bad habit. I start looking around the room until I feel eyes bore into my soul. I look over at Levi, who seemed to be staring and hesitating to get my attention. He jumped when I turned and cursed himself under his breath. I'm guessing since he needed something.

"Where are the art supplies?" He mutters.

"We're required to bring our own."

"Oh." His face stayed the same bored look but his eyes shown with fear. I set my supplies in between us since there were tables next to us.

"You can share with me." I offer, taking out a small brush and setting it to the side as I start opening up my paints and put them on my mixing pallet. I see Levi looking at me for a while until taking a brush and dabbed some paint on there. He started off with one Huge stroke, creating a line across the canvas. Something about watching his slim hands control the brush as it caresses the canvas was satisfying. His eyes were so focused on his painting. Until he looks back at me. I quickly avert my gaze and start painting.

He stares at me for a while before continuing. I look back over at him, tracing out his figure with my mind, taking in every detail. The way his hands shadowed with every move and how his eyes shone in the light of the art room. I imprinted it all in my brain and started painting. I usually planned out how I was going to do things, but this time was different. This time I felt almost...confident...

Your Eyes Are My Canvas(Levi x Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now