Chapter 007

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Levi's POV:


I heard the fear in Y/N's voice. I decided to stay, who knows what could happen if I don't. It's probably insanely idiotic, but I have to make sure they're safe.

I don't like them or anything!! And I surely don't care, I just don't want to know that someone's getting hurt because I didn't make one simple decision. I hear the man get up, he was a bit tall and he looked almost exactly like Y/N. I'm guessing they got their eye color from their mother. He turns on the entryway light, and my heart freezes. The full sight of his face was a bit terrifying.

I see a bottle rested in his hand and a belt in another. His demonic eyes snap to me, and I see his face grow dark. I usually don't get this scared, I'm barely scared of anything, and here I am, not being able to move a muscle. I slowly move my hand towards Y/N's shirt, gripping it and tugging it a bit.

"Who's this, why is he here? And why are you home late?"

"He's a friend, he was walking me home.."

"Then why'd you invite him in?"

Y/N stays quiet. I could feel them trembling like crazy and their lip quivering. I open my mouth to speak, but get cut off by his harsh words:

"SHUT IT, BOY!! Nobody asked you to speak..Now Y/N, Why did you invite him in?"


My heart breaks. This man must've done something terrible to Y/N. I know I should say something, but what if it gets them in even more trouble.

He harshly grabs their collar and slaps them. They yelp in pain, causing my body to react. I pull them back and behind me, looking at their father with my signature death glare. He steps closer to me. I could smell the fresh scent of alcohol on his tongue as his breath caresses my nose, causing it to scrunch up in disgust.

I couldn't help myself.

"Tch, maybe instead of abusing your child, you should definitely make an appointment to the dentist. I think a bit of your personality is rubbing off on your teeth."

I see his face go red in anger and a small giggle come from Y/N. I feel the sides of my mouth twitch, confidence rising in my stomach. They were immediately crushed by his aggressive tone.

"SHUT UP!!! Listen, you little're going to leave right now...I mean now."

He was a little quieter and I feel Y/N push me to the door.

"Y-You should get going...I'll call you later.."

I didn't want to leave and they didn't want me to either. I wanted to stay. I wanted to make sure they were okay. I exit the door and they close it. I step back a few and hear the yells and crashing. I set my head to the door and hear them crying.

I wanted to bust in there. I wanted to kill that motherfucker, but if I had came back I'd make things worse. I walk back to my house with a heavy heart, running my fingers through my hair. I set my hands in my pocket and walk along the sidewalk, taking my phone out and spamming Y/N's phone.


Levi is typing...

Levi: Hey, are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you hurt?
Answer me.
Answer me right now.
Y/N I swear.
Text me soon, okay?
Please be okay.


I put away my phone, thinking I was probably being annoying. I feel my lip quiver and my throat tighten. My eyes start to water and blur. What the hell? Why am I so emotional?

I wipe the tears away and sniffle, making it back to my house. I step inside and lock the door, going upstairs and laying in bed. I hug the pillow that they were laying on and smile, their faint scent hitting my nose. I turn over and put an arm over my forehead, moving my hair out of the way.

Why didn't I save them?

I could've helped them.

I'm such a coward...


I wake up to the morning light showering through the open curtains. The light almost blinded me as I quickly sit up and look around. I grab my phone and gasp.


I missed about three periods. Fuck!

Underneath were a few texts from Y/N.


Y/N 2hrs Ago
Hey? Where are you? School started 3 hours ago.

Y/N 7hrs Ago
Yeah, I'm okay, just a bit sore


I quickly get up and get dressed, throwing my clothes over my head as I'm brushing my teeth at the same time. Did I not set my alarm or something? I fix my bed head a bit and sigh, grabbing my phone and bag.

I make my way out of the house, running to the school since I didn't have time to start my car. I'm glad I took track for a few years.

I finally made it to school as a panting mess and hear the bell ring. It was lunch time. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and walk into the stinky building. I go into the cafeteria and look around, seeing Y/N sitting down at the spot we had sat on the first day. I quickly make my way there and tap on their shoulder, seeing them whip their head around and smile.

"I thought you wouldn't make it!!"

They pull me into a hug and set a kiss on my cheek, making a small tint of red cross my face. Did they really have to do that?! Now I'm embarrassed!!

My eyes quickly turn to another guy sitting next to them. He had a nice tint of brown to his hair with beautiful, big, green eyes. I cock my head, feeling a bit of jealousy erupt inside me.

"Who's this?"

"Oh! This is Eren! He's a childhood friend. Eren, this is Levi, my new friend!"

Eren looks me up and down and I could tell I sent a shiver up his spine, since he averted his gaze and his face went soft. Plus, I was giving him a glare.

I sit down next to Y/N and search through my bag, grabbing my lunch and looking over at Y/N, who was laughing a little too hard.

Eren had made a stupid joke, a sly smirk fixing on his face. I turn my head and ball my fists, gritting my teeth. I could make them smile like that. I shoot him a death glare and he immediately shrinks down.

I wanted lunch to be over already. I was so annoyed at this brat who just swooped in and stole Y/N. Can't he see we were doing fine without him? They were paying no attention to me.

The bell rings and I quickly leave, hearing Y/N call out for me.

"Levi!! Where are you going?"

"To class."

"Wanna hang out with me and Eren after school?"



1197 words!! I'm so sorry it's so short

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