Chapter 015

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So...this chapter contains sexual jokes/references...beware.




"Babe?" I say to myself, looking up to a girl calling to Levi.


We were staying at his girlfriends house.

I shouldn't have been surprised, or angry, or sad, because we were never dating.

But I cant help but think that we were so close.  Then again, love at first sight is shit.  It's so cliché.  I couldn't expect for him to not have a girlfriend.  I couldn't expect that it would've worked out.  Look at him.  He's a walking sex symbol. 

I turn to see Eren with a scowl on his face, I could tell he was angry, he was biting at his lip and making that demonic face.

"Eren, calm down.  We cant be angry at him."

"He led yo-!"

"Hurry up, you guys."

I nod my head at Levi and start hauling my things to the door, struggling a little bit.  I got a little help from his girlfriend, who was honestly kind.

Once we had all our stuff in the humble space, an excited squeal pipes from Petra.

"It's been so long since I've seen you!! I missed you so much, baby!!"

She hugs him and sets small kisses to his face.  I hate it when she calls him that.  I don't know why, but I'm starting to feel annoyed.  I grab Eren's sleeve and tug at it, our symbol for if one of us were uncomfortable.

"Where will we be sleeping?"

"Oh! Follow me!!"

We leave our bags at the front door and follow her down a hallway.  Her house had plants everywhere, it was cute.  Pictures and paintings that looked very familiar hung the walls.  I swore I seen that kind of style before.  I see a signature on one of them.  Leaning in, I could tell what the familiar signature was.  It was Levi's, he must of painted all of these.

"Ah! If you couldn't tell, Levi painted all of those just for me.  Isn't he a great boyfriend!?"

Shut up, I knew that already.

"I'm sure he is, he's a great painter!"

"Yes he is, he's amazing with his hands, isn't that right, Levi?"

She bumps him with her hip and I see a teasing look on her face.  I look to Levi who was completely unfazed by the inappropriate reference.  Well, fuck you, Petra. 

"Yeah, I know, he is, he really knows how to put his fingers to work."

I look at her with a blank face and see her smile fade.  I see Levi turn his head sharply to me, his usual bored face turning a bit red.  He looked a bit angry, though.

"Hehe...y-yeah...anyways, this is where you'll be sleeping."

Petra opens the door to a bedroom that was just the right size.  There were two beds with a bed/side table sitting in between them, again, a plant and a lamp sitting on top.  The sheets were white with a green accent pillow sitting at the front.  The hard wood floor creaked as we stepped in, taking in the fresh scent of honey.

"You two can share this bedroom, I'll have Levi sleeping with me to give you guys space."

"We have names, y'a know!"

"Eren, hush, that's disrespectful, we don't want Daddy's girl to tell."

"Excuse me?"


Your Eyes Are My Canvas(Levi x Reader Modern AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant