Chapter 009

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Queue music when I tell you to🙌🏾




Tonight was cold, but there was a warm feeling there.  The warm feeling of Levi's sweater wrapped around my body and the nice presence of both of the boys that mean a lot to me.  I shut my eyes and let the sound of the flowing water overcome me.  The breeze of late September flushed over the sparkling sea, some of the water spraying out onto my face.  I didn't mind, it was calming.

The trees rustled with the wind and I could hear Eren snickering.  I perk my head up to see him looking straight at me and Levi.  My face flushes with red but he puts a finger to his mouth, indicating that he won't say anything about it.

That boy and his eyes...

I focus my attention to Levi's scent as the faint smell of cologne hit my face.  He smelled good.  I lift my head up once I hear the crunching of sand and see Eren walking towards the water.  He rolls up his pant sleeves and puts his feet in cautiously before stepping all the way in.  He looked back at us and put his hands on his hips, a teasing look plastered on his face.

"Come, you two love birds! The water feels nice!"

God, Eren, never say that again.

I look at Levi who had a small smile on his face.  I've never really seen him smile.  He starts to walk forward, dragging me along as we both make it to the huge body of water.  He starts to pull his pant sleeves up and I do the same, stepping into the water and letting out a squeak.  It was really cold.  Levi seemed to not be too bothered by it, walking towards Eren, our hands still holding each other's.

A huge smile cracked onto my face and I plant a small kiss to Levi's cheek, moving my hand up to his arm.  I blush and see Levi's face reflecting my own.  He looked like a tomato!



We ended up going back over to his house, Eren only staying for a bit before retreating back to his home due to his mother screaming at him over the phone. I sit down on that same couch in the same spot we sat down in when we cuddled. It was warm.

But that question he asked popped up into my brain.

Does he think I look terrible like that?

Maybe he's just trying to see my body and then will leave.


Levi's a good guy right?

I see Levi grab a few speakers and hook them up to his phone. He set each of the Bluetooth speakers somewhere around the room, I guess trying to create something called surround sound. I stay put, watching him scroll through his phone. He then looks up to me and sets his phone down.

"Do you want to dance?"



"I'm a terrible dancer."

"Pfft, you can't be bad at dancing."

He teased, sticking his tongue out and setting his hands on his hips.


"Though I guess you could say you are since you're standing in front of the best."

He looks at his nails and the amount of sas he gave was outstanding.

I will not let anyone out-sas me.

I stand up and cross my arms, cocking my hips to the side and giving him my cocky smirk.

"You're on shortie."

He looks over at me with a pissed off expression at the new, downgrading nickname. I just laugh, I laugh a lot. He ends up joining in. It was funny.

He puts on some music and I immediately get excited. I didn't know he liked this kind of music. It was my favorite genre! My favorite song of that genre to be exact!! I look at him and start dancing, moving around the room. It probably wasn't real dancing, I was just moving my limbs to the beat, that's all. I see Levi joining in.

He looked so goofy.

We move closer and clasp our hands together, swaying our hips at the same time. We sang the lyrics loud and proud, accompanying each other as if it were some kind of duet. I was having so much fun! I couldn't stop giggling. I couldn't stop giggling at Levi. His smile was so big. I never thought I'd see him smile so much.

My heart started to race. I feel at ease. God, what is he doing to me?

[queue music]

The song stops and we're breathless, still giggling like a bunch of idiots. Suddenly, a song that I had recognized had come on. I remember listening to my father sing this to my mother, you know, the good dad.  The dad that always cared about his "girls".

You are so me..~

Levi takes me by the hand and starts slow dancing.  I hadn't moved at all until I realized it'd be awkward for him and me to stand there.  I knew how to slow dance but I wasn't well at it.  I moved my body a bit closer to Levi, my head pressing against his chest.  I close my eyes as we listen to the lyrics.  I hear Levi humming the lyrics, his head rested on top of mine.

"Levi, do you know the lyrics?"


"Sing me it."

"I'm a painter, not a singer."


I hear him sigh and shyly start singing.  He was quiet at first but got louder bit by bit.  He was cut out to be a singer but not.  His voice wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible.  It was soothing.  I suddenly find myself sinking into his singing, being reminded of all the happy times that had happened before my life went to complete disaster.  I feel the tears rush to my eyes and press myself against Levi more.  His heart was fast.  It was faster than usual.  But, it made me happy.  It made my tears fall even more.  I bite my lip in the struggle of trying to make my crying go unnoticed, but it was like I was opening up.

It was like Levi was making me open up with his presence.

His hands are removed from mine and placed on either sides of my cheeks, forcing me to face him as he watched my tears roll down my flushed face.  He wipes the tears with his thumbs, still singing the song with his voice. 

The more I looked into those strong, blue and silver eyes, the more it was like I was pouring out all my feelings.  Like we were communicating without words.  My cries got louder and louder, letting it all go as he kept singing, as if he were a mother singing to her crying baby.  The song had begun to reach its resolution, along with my tears, soft sniffling escaping me.

"Can't you see...? Everything I hope for...everything I are so me...~"

At the ending rift, I felt lips softly touch mine.  The slight pondering of the beginning rain thundered on the roof and windows, and the dim lighting of the home bounced off of every surface.  The tears I had once cried before were forgotten.  The bad memories were gone.  I wasn't scared.  I wasn't surprised.  I was calm.  I was safe.  I knew from the start.  Ever since I met him, I knew I would be safe.

I knew.

I knew I would finally be home.

Your Eyes Are My Canvas(Levi x Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now